Anyone no new Updates for April 10 Delivery?

That would not be a good idea, since we’ve communicated on many places that General info about shipment and manufacturing is the de-facto information place. Plus people won’t initially know which list / thread they’re in, and many questions will be repeated in each thread (which already happens as no one seems to actually read past posts or use the (thread) search)

We created a summary thread so nobody has to hunt down information but instead can find it in one easy and convenient spot. You can easily find this thread by clicking on the News button in the top menu bar of the forum. Bookmark that and gather your daily digest from it, you can always click on the quotes in that topic to jump right into the actual thread where it was actually posted.

Thanks for your gratitude. We could also have Philips Projection posting in a closed topic where other users can’t comment or ask questions, only to start countless other threads with no context or link to the original, to then get answers that no one else sees, or to have to continually get asked and answer the same questions much like we do now anyways. We prefer to post in an open thread, but this also means the updates that matter get lost sometimes, it’s not us hiding them.

I’ll try to highlight important info from PhilipsNono or other staff with a Staff color, like I have this comment. Perhaps that will help you when you scan through the thread(s).

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