Charging - Led blinking blue and red when plugged

I have charging issues too, and yes, I did a factory reset after updating to 1.1.0.

Red and blue blinking, never stops, and:

Turned off while charging, the pico charges to 96% ( checking by turning it on) but never gets to 100% [EDIT] : Well, it might, and then start decharging?
Checking after 2 hours more, the battery is now at 85%

Now charging, whilst turned on, it seems to be charging again, slowly got to 86% .

[EDIT]: Upgrading to 1.1.01 now
[EDIT1]: stopped at 89%, charging while turned on with 1.1.01
[EDIT2] Charging further, while turned off = now 82% !
[EDIT3] Left it for a while, turned off, not charging = now 95% , when turned on.