Dear all,
my PPM shows strange behaviour: It drops into the launcher repeatingly. From any application, even the Setup/Configuration application, or Aptoide. Re-opening the application continues where it left off. Even when playing videos using Plex, re-opening the app continues playing the app. So it seems that something kicks the app into the background, without any reason.
I have the latest firmware 1.0.25, and have done a factory reset. Still, the same happens with any application I am trying to use.
Anyone else has seen this problem and knows about how to fix it?
Have you tried removing the battery of you remote? just to eliminate the possibility that its home button is broken. Then also try wiping the touch controls in the unit itself. Maybe the home button there is also faulty.
Ok, at this point based on your testing and several others, I am more and more convinced this is a software bug and not a hardware problem.
Please bear with me for a bit as I figure out the simplest way for you to do some additional testing that will let us know the root cause for sure.
I could approve a replacement but I think due to HK/China closure this will take at least 2-3 weeks to reach you. So might as well do some testing. In the meanwhile I hope you will be able to use it with the HDMI input till we fix this problem —> actually does this also happen with HDMI or USBC input? Or only when using internal apps?
Yes indeed. I forgot to add that the remote is also connected, so it is neither the home button on the remote nor the one on the touchpad, but it sounds very much like a software issue.
Just received mine and I have exactly the same problem as @norbert. I’ve proceeded several factory reset and removed the remote battery without success.
If I play content from an hdmi device or usb-c everything is ok. As soon as I try to play internal content it throws me to the home display. The only solution to play internal content is to keep a finger on the trackpad… @Philips_Support_P do you think you could find a solution ?