General info about shipment and manufacturing

Yeah, I was getting as bit like that too, but I used the EU tracking site in the top banner. Here’s the link that I used: I used my Backerkit tracking ID so CRXXXXXXetc

@Happytoon might have posted the same link actually, but it can’t hurt to make sure.

To be fair, I only got an update today at 11:40am UK time, even though there were people getting updates yesterday. It seems to be quite sporadic, it’s a bit poop but your tracking number will update.

Plus my update from DHL is “
Sa, 20.06.2020, 11:41
The shipment has been posted by the sender at the retail outlet”

Whatever this means :expressionless: :unamused:

I’m a bit tired of all this as well, fingers crossed for you mate.