General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi @Philips_Support_N Can you update the next list, looking at the details provided before we dont see production of more than 1000 units per week which could fullfil the backer list end of May ! how is the estimate looking ?


  • we will update the 1684 previous backer by adding 104 new ones. We have decided to take from the distributor stock to fulfill backers first.
    The list will be updated today. I will make a new comment.

Hi Phillips,
Is this (2630212966) tracking number correct? I am from Israel and i got this tracking number from backerkit in 15/04/20 , I should expect a change from this status " Sorry, your tracking attempt was not successful. Please check your tracking
This message was displayed from the moment i started to check the tracking number from 15.04.20
Can you please check if everythingā€™s ok and i just need to wait a couple of days, or someting wrong with this number?
In addition, I spoke with a service representative from dhl and was told that everything is working normally in terms of deliveries to Israel

Same thing for me, no update since processed in Koln and a a french destination.
Others french people here with more update on their shipping status ?
the delay to ask investigation is 6 days i think

Thank you! Iā€™ll be waiting eagerly for the list ā€¦fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Good afternoon! I am still waiting for an answer to my question about PPM. In the last message, you wrote that he would come in APRIL. Today is the 3rd of May. I donā€™t have any information about where he is, I donā€™t have delivery information and I canā€™t understand what kind of transport company he will be delivered to. I ask you to answer all my questions as soon as possible. I made an order at the end of September. Itā€™s been 7 months now. waiting for your reply.

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there is a possibility to know approximately delivery date , just the month :slight_smile:

my backer id 15584881
7,520th on @BackerKit for Philips PicoPix Max

Many thanks for any information

I guess list 2 was split, the last 1200 were shipped later? Anyhow, from Norway, and in the same situation I think, only the general update on April 23rd. Maybe the 1200 ā€œlastā€ from list 2 will be sent May 10th?

Can anyone confirm that non EU europeans from list 2 will get shipped May 10th, @Philips_Support_N or @IvoGrijt?

Hi Screeneo!

Super to hear that you decided to take distributor units to fulfill backer orders!!!

Iā€™m wondering if it is possible to know how many units will have to be shipped before my unit will be shipped. I donā€™t need an approximate date, just want to know how many people are still before me in line. Backerkit ID 15583630.

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Maybe, but I donā€™t hope and actually donā€™t think so. May 10 is list 3, if Iā€™m not very wrong and they havenā€™t got any tracking number yet.
I would really appreciate some more info from @Philips_Support_N.

@Jselgue Welcome to the forums. The wait is painful and has not ended yet for several people including me.

This is where we currently are:

Please go through this post to realign your expectations. Thanks @Unreal-Tournament for the calculations.

@tanguy which country are you from?


  • we will update the 1684 previous backer by adding 104 new ones. We have decided to take from the distributor stock to fulfill backers first.
    The list will be updated today. I will make a new comment
  • We will also add 1000 new shipping to the list (QC is going to happen on 6th) for those ones

Wow, nice! So the new shipping will be 2684 units IF all goes well with the QC of these 1000.

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Hi Nonoā€¦ in your update could you please let us know about shipping to the expensive / problem countries. I know you said you were looking for solutions but can you provide a little more details? Thanks!

+104 = 2788!! :smiley:


but if the flight is already bookedā€¦ additional 1000 might not make itā€¦ :man_shrugging:

we are currently checking this

Hi PhilipsNono,

could you please quickly confirm if Backerkit number 15591118 is already shipped? It should be as itā€™s on list 2ā€¦

Thank you!

Praying to god, hope my Backerkit ID will appear in the new listšŸ™šŸ»

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my BackkitID is on list 2 but still no update on the DHL tracking number. Did I miss something. What is the problem now?

