General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi Philips,

First time posting a question about the potential shipping date since my participation to this backer plan from Toronto Canada has already been passed 6 months. I am still seeing lots of arguments about the shipping issues since the world level pendamic outbreak is still in active. So, I basically understand the delay over a delay.
I am just wonderning when I happen to get my shipment plan in terms of manufacturing schedule and the arrangment.
My Indiegogo contribution ID is 19709
The backer ID is appeared to be 16067486 (never seen anyone starting with 1606… so, mine could be very behind in the queue… no clue how the ID works).


Hello Guys,
Thank you for the updates! Feels like all is going smoothly in the production.
I wanted to ask, is the courrier for China Backers still DHL ? Wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier and way faster to do it through SFExpress ?
Also, when do you think you would be able to send the good for the few Packers in China ?

Backer Indiegogo #1986, Shanghai

PS : I wasn’t in any list that is why asking

@JosephSJPark and @Nicobda are both in the upcoming but yet to be published list update.

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I understand your frustration, I feel the same, but no time to express it. Picopix is my first crowdfunding project, and would be last because of disappointment by Philips.

My contribution way back to Sep2019, I was in List 2, I got a tracking no. (KECT00228063) of Kerry Logistics 5 days ago. Till now, Kerry Logistics still said no such tracking no. My order is from HK, next to Shenzhen, I even work in Shenzhen. How could this Logistics happen so dumb? If available, I would go to their factory in person to take my Picopix.

From the forum, even you have received your product, you have to bless it works well without quality problem. I used to work for Philips to produce their MRI machine controller panel in previous company, their Engg expertise was really weak, they relied heavily on suppliers’ knowledge and experience to build products for them, so does PicoPix I think. Don’t be fooled by their long established brand name Philips.

BTW, good luck and hope you would get the projector soon and enjoy it.


Hi guys
I got an email from Ivo Grijt saying my unit has been returned to sender in Australia.
I have replied to the email with the correct address now so please let me know if it’s all going ok

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We wait for the list for a long time…

I’m also a china backer and was wondering the same thing. My IGG ID was in list 3 batch 1 but was higher than your ID so I don’t understand the order again now. @IvoGrijt

Well production is complete .So probably two batches left.
Anytime now when the dust settles with the pending work I guess.
After that within a month !

Many thanks for the prompted reply to my question , IvoG. I am happy to hear that I may be listed on the next round shipment cycle.

Regards, J

I think the list3 is still to updated for all missing backer ID ?

Yes, the update to list3 is not yet out.

same experience here. I am also from HK and got a tracking number very near to yours on May 22 but still the number is not identified on Kerry’s tracking service, it says no such order. I had also contributed in Sep 2019. Not sure how this is being handled as it should take a day or two to deliver within HK, if at all its shipped. Can someone please check and reply. Thanks

There has been a huge lack of transparency and the Philips team is very very selective with the questions they answer. I don’t care if they don’t have the answer, they should still share that with everyone. Did the shipment go on 16/18? Is DHL handling the 16th ROTW shipment from HK? Are the packages still stuck in HK?

If they don’t have the answers they should say so. Yes it proves they are a bit incompetent, but at least also that they are transparent.


I think they have been as transparent about this as possible. Truth is they used a logistics partner (the infamous ‘forwarder’) that is not providing them with any information. So even Screeneo does not know what has happened to the units. However they are dependent on this ‘forwarder’ to create the tracking numbers and forward to DHL.


I don’t agree. When asked the question several times for a couple of weeks and not answering, it is not transparency. Saying they don’t have the information from the beginning would be transparency. It’s a choice to avoid tough questions, which also reflects on the level of professionalism.


They have said they don’t have that information, so as irritating as it is (and it is, for everyone involved including Philips), they’re being transparent.

They have always explictily said that they provide what information they have. So if they don’t provide it, they don’t have it. In some cases, that really has been hard to believe, I know. Somewhere along the chain, someone knows, and they’re not saying. Makes me want to curse, too! All I know from the experience in list 2 is that it really isn’t Philips. They’re being as transparent as they can, and if they don’t post the informatio, they don’t have it. They had some of their own PPX in one of the last shipment, and they had no idea they were still in HK a month after they were supposed to have arrived in Germany. And they shared even that information. It sucks, yeah, for them and for us.


I agree, perhaps they’re too embarrassed to say: “we don’t know the status, but we hope they will arrive soon”. And to be honest, most backers don’t bother to read previous messages, so they would have to play a broken record: “we don’t know, please be patient”… This project has been a fine example of how difficult it is to scale a crowdfunding project. You can build a great product, but having to manufacture and ship the perks in thousands is something different.


I’ve got a deja vu from the exact same kinds of “debates” from slightly over a month ago or so, when some users kept accusing the Philips employees over here to lie for some reasons (as I pointed out then, the alleged motivation didn’t really become so clear to me).

I could somewhat understand the frustration one and a half months ago, but I have to agree with @ema84 on this, and I really don’t understand why this outburst has to come now that production is through and most people are just waiting for delivery. By all means ask questions, but it seems a bit pointless to first ask questions that have been replied to plenty of times and then keep on not accepting the answers. I’m wondering what sort of answer would be an acceptable one.


Having to deliver to thousands final destinations (during this pandemic and cargo crisis) is the nightmare here. Usually they just have 5000 delivered to a distributor in EU, 7000 to a distributor in US, and 5000 stay in a warehouse in China, which means 2 shipments have to happen. The distributors then make sure the units get to the dealers which then make sure they get to the customers.

Shipping to 14000+ backers means all those packages need to be booked and labeled individually, then grouped for region, shipped to said region, only to be split again by DHL in that region.

We have said so, many times before. People just don’t read it all. When PhilipsNono says “We are waiting for the tracking” he doesn’t mean he’s just sitting on his behind just waiting for the notification to go off, he’s actually mailing them a few times a day with the question “Where are the tracking labels? Did the flights out happen on time?” Etc etc.

The forwarders are our bedpartners now, and despite the communication quantity or quality they are producing the results, units are arriving at people’s doors daily, stuff is happening, they just take their time to make it happen or to tell us what they’re up to. They maybe figure we’ll see the results soon enough so why waste time updating us? Or they are self conscious about their level of English and therefore choose to communicate as little as possible? I don’t know.

So as our bedpartners we don’t go telling on them the moment we don’t hear from them, we try and chase them first, as time zones, language barriers, and actual workload could all be the reason why there’s a silence. It’s only when it’s been a few hours or days that we start to conclude that it’s a bit more structural, and we start to escalate a bit.

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Lucky you :slight_smile: , maybe you will get it before me.
I guess now that they have produced all the products things should move faster…