General info about shipment and manufacturing

@IvoGrijt i tried to pm you, but i cant, (message is not allowd) maybe because i just made a account?

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try now!

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Jordan batch DHL updated to picked up in Hongkong estimated delivery is Tuesday. For Toronto Canada

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Hi @imdevu @IvoGrijt

Thanks for the timely updates and all the hard work.
Really appreciate it.
I have one question related to JOY list.

Are the items already in Germany customs for JOY list contributors(based out in EU)?

reason for asking this is because news/update of the items being stuck in Germany was there before we got the JOY list updated.

Please confirm. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Pravin Ingle

What about amy batch going to u.k?

If you read or recall correctly,

So the forwarders do not even know where to send the units on Joy, let alone that they already sent them anywhere.

Please do try to keep up with the news:

Only reason I ask is that I remember on this thread about 2000 ago it was reported that the UK wasnā€™t in Europe anymore.

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Thatā€™s unfortunately still the caseā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But we still love you guys enough to include you in the EU shipments. :innocent:

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Did you get a text message or just classic F5 style?


Is it normal , the status shows as ā€œShipment information receivedā€ and no further moveā€¦

how does this works? any Guideline on expected lead timeā€¦ 3+ weeks passed from initial Tracking infoā€¦ trying to figure delivery date (approx.) for a plan

Did you see the news update today?

Please see our [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping for an explanation for this.

Cheers mucker. Good news. :+1::grinning:

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would be quite a seismic shift to not be in Europe. We will be back though. Donā€™t you worry.

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hi @IvoGrijt , I donā€™t know how to send a private message, but i see that my postal code is wrong on the tracking label, can I still update it?

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Got text and email as I signed up for updates.

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I am in France and in the Lauren list. With all the the ā€˜current shipmentā€™ is in Germany and going to be handed to DHL France I am getting a little confused.

Is the current shipment the Lauren EU shipment or the one before?

Not complaining, just wondering and would like some clarification.


Itā€™s been another week now, any more information?

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Current shipping is Jordan, Laurent & Amy

I signed up for those too but nothing happened yet

@IvoGrijt, thanks for your hard work. Really appreciate it.