A backer like most so what’s not to understand? If you think Phillips can’t do better then your more deluded than the rest of them. Give this man a free projector he’s desperate
Reading your posts is like reading Trump’s Twitter account. I honestly don’t know what your point is anymore you ramble on about unrelated things and then start making up random conspiracy theories.
if you read the rules, it is clearly stated that time schedule are never guaranteed, sometimes perks are not even guaranteed. That is how it works. I participated in this, and well it will arrive when it’s possible. I participated once in the production of a movie and DVD and it hasn’t has happened yet, after 3 years. I don’t think Philips can’t do better, I’m just saying Read The F… Rules, before participating in such thing. Your post are totally frustration posts, go get a massage or something.
It’s obviously a kangaroo suit you cabbage. Notice the upwards-facing pouch, wombats have backwards facing pouches. You’re welcome.
Mates … mates.
I made this post so that I and other backers can get the latest updates from philips, nothing more.
Let’s just agree that kangaroos and wombats are equally cute and have pouches and that drop bears ,on the other hand, are freaking terrifying.
Have a good one guys and let’s hope dingos dont steal our babies yea?
Gee Have you even reached puberty?
Well trigger my timbers Callan you really rustled my jimmies there!
@Philips_Support_N Could you please update us that, along with the new factories opening up.
How many projectors can be expected to be produced daily ? back then with ONE factory it was somewhere between 500 - 1000.
Okay, so the first factory is due to reopen on the 2nd of march.
@Philips_Support_N what kind of delivery times is to be expected for the forgotten EU-backers then? Are all the issues you had with the last EU delivery sorted out for this delivery?
The reason I’m asking is that I want be able to collect the package if it arrives in April or May.
Backer 3903 from Sweden.
Just confirmed with our factory. They received the materials to make 6K. The actual number of manufactured product may vary depending on the quality control for sure. They are restarting on Monday!
Guys, I’ve the feeling you will never deliver mine to Dubai (ID 3792). How can I change my shipping address to France?
That’s amazing news! Here’s hoping everything goes smoothly and everyone stays healthy.
And what about the expected delivery times to the EU once the items are shipped?
We will keep you posted on delivery
You should be careful with the ETA following the re-opening of factories. Quality control may be longer due to lack of employees with experience working on the PPM, wouldn’t it ?
But first, please make sure those workers are safe !
I really like how you keeps us posted and updated so regularly. Really appreciate all your effort. Still I have no idea when I will receive my ppm since I have no clue, how many people with issues and replacements before me, how many people before me in other regions, how many people before me in my region. I just hope that you will overcome all the problems and deliver 11k before 2nd of April. Wish you all the best.
When are we looking at backers 7000+?
They are shipping first by area THEN contribution ID.
For example if you live in Australia and your contribution is 10xxx, you will receive yours before a contribution is of 4xxx in say, Saudi Arabia due to their current schedule.
If you are not one of the forgotten EU contributors and you are not living in AUS or New Zealand, then you will receive yours after them. RIGHT NOW, with their current schedule and factories capability, I ASSUME more than 1000 can be made daily after Monday, there are roughly around 14,000 backers on this project. so within 2-3 weeks they can all be produced and shipped (if everything goes accordingly).
Now the shipping will be depending on where you live and how long your custom hold your items.
Overall, i think somewhere in April-May for anyone living outside of EU/AU/NZ (hopefully) and Mar-Apr for AU/NZ backers.
David_Chan, thanks.
I’m around 7400 and UK
Hopefully there’s a chance to see this projector this year
Send them an email hello@picopix.com, explain your situation and give them your new address.