Regarding Qatar & South Africa, the solutions aren’t there yet, not for solving all the shipping issues yet.
Something was forced or an opportunity presented itself, but there isn’t a structural surefire way to get the units to you guys yet. The unit that was sent to @captainolivez for instance happened to be available in the German warehouse, from a shipment that if I’m not mistaken was returned to sender because the shipment was put in the batch to the EU but was addressed to a ROW destination not covered by the shipping booked. So there was a “spare” that they could send out to him. The one that went to South Africa to this day I don’t personally know how that was done or where it came from or what route it took.
All I know at the moment is that we don’t have a surefire way to get projectors into these countries, or enough units to get them in via a certain route.
We keep talking because things could shift daily, and like I’ve said before we are still looking for solutions.
@IvoGrijt your reply is misleading as usual. For few months previously you said your forwarder could not deliver to Qatar due to battery etc. Now “test run” was made and proved shipment to Qatar is possible.
Regardless from where the unit will come, we know it now, it is possible to send unit with battery to Qatar.
Also if there is no surefire solution for Qatar why @Philips_Support_N has started to sent units from Switzerland to Qatar’s backers?
I think what u meant by sure-fire solution is sure-make-profit and cheap shipment solutions of which i believe at this moment Philips should change the priority from trying to cut cost on shipments, rather to ship the unit individually as required to let all backers receive their unit as soon as possible.
My projector got back to German’s forwarder warehouse and was expected to DHL relabel and send it again but when apparently DHL seem new status the tracking number stopped working and it is now showing and error message like this:
Sorry, your tracking attempt was not successful. Please check your tracking number. (404)
Can you tell me if a new tracking number is being generated or what is the current situation please?.
Amru, what I said months ago, last week, or yesterday was all according to the information I had at the time I said it. If I don’t mean what I say I just don’t say it. Please do not put your thoughts or presumptions on me, and I will not do that for you either.
The post by Steve that you quite mentions UPS, apparently that’s a different approach than DHL that I was not aware they had found to be available. I am not in the office with them and do not always know the latest, nor their stock levels, so when I said we do not have a sure-fire way of sending units to all the Qatari or Kuwaiti or South African backers, I’m thinking about all of them, not just one-on-one solutions based on who scrams the loudest. If anything I personally feel the backing order should be followed here as well, but I’m just a campaign helper, not the manager nor the CEO.
DHL and Fedex do, apart from others. The Operations Manager of DHL has also confirmed that shipments from China/ Hong Kong are coming in regularly.
@IvoGrijt@Philips_Support_T Kindly consider this feedback from India. And please do expedite the shipping to the remaining Indian backers. Looking forward to a positive response from you.
In other news, our forwarder has informed us that they can ship to Kuwait again, and will do so this coming week. If you have a shipment coming to Kuwait and moved or changed address since you originally backed the campaign or last had your address modified please create / update your ticket by sending or replying to an email to with the new address information. If nothing has changed, no mail is needed.
Ok Ivo I understand, sorry for my english, to be clear
my dhl trackingID is : CR071954544DE
My Indiegogo contribution [#17847]
My ticket : 26704
Is there any news concerning the solving about my shipment ? It’s been shipped since end of may, I guess I would deserve some feedback, sorry again to bother but really I want to make sure that my request is not lost as my package
Quizás sería más fácil si me lo habías dicho en español.
The ticket system is where we keep you updated on your issue, not getting an update to your ticket is due to not having an update to give yet.
We have a list of all cases we have open under investigation, that have been returned to sender, that haven’t been shipped, or that have any other reason for not being fulfilled yet. We are not going to publish this list however. We are working on this list till it’s clear, either by having fulfilled all the open orders or by refunding those who don’t want to wait any longer (and whose shipment is known to not be in an active transit to them).
@IvoGrijt, in my opinion, it would be extremely helpful that someone would update the news section (shows as not updated since July 15th) so that people don’t ask the same questions several times in several threads. In addition, and I believe this is what @stefsoli is asking for, it would also be great to have a list of backerIDs with the different status: delivered, returned to sender, lost, waiting for trackerID, etc. I don’t know how hard this would be to do and update but it would reduce the anxiety and frustration a lot by providing transparency and would reduce the number of repeated questions by email and in the forum that you need to read and answer.
As usual, I am not trying to tell you how to do your job, just sharing thoughts of what I think would help us and you a lot.
@IvoGrijt I have never put my thoughts or presumptions on you. You can check all your replies regarding shipment to Qatar before this and thats exactly what I have summarized in my previous post.
I agree with you that backing order should be followed from the beginning but apparently thats not the case because of the intention to optimise the shipping cost of which I totally understand. However it seems now you resort to fulfilling those “who screams the loudest” (using your words and I dont see any prob with it as it is their right to do so) first to keep them satisfied rather than to fulfill all the backers.
Another thing is please stop saying that you dont have all the info that rest of your team has, as you are replying using the Philip badge.
Having the badge and being part of the team doesn’t mean I know everything, sometimes I miss something and sometimes I’m just not told about something.
When I don’t know something I’m not going to lie about it and make up something, I explained this as you may not have known or realized that I’m not actually in the office with them, not as an excuse but to inform you of why I don’t always know everything that’s going on.
So why should I not say that I don’t have all the info when I in fact don’t always do?
@Ctguy posted the routing… It was picked up from the shipper on 11 July, routed through UAE and Bahrain, and arrived in South Africa on 14 July. See below.
So clearly the forwarder can and has shipped to South Africa
The obvious answer is that it would make sense to check your understanding with your colleagues before replying? I think those of us who are in this never ending vortex of the failing forwarding company should get new machines to be honest with you. We shouldn’t be being punished for the failure of the forwarding company to do what in the end is a fairly straightforward job. It is still quite a significant amount of money for each of us and it’s not really fair. I was very happy to take the risk on functionality and provide useful technical feedback but we shouldn’t be expected to take the pain of basic logistics failures, especially when it appears that Screeneo is now making stock available on standard retail channels.
That is jumping the queue, if you don’t mind me saying so. We really need a policy decision on this (rather than decisions on individual backers) soon otherwise I will start complaining to various CEO’s, which is something I have resisted doing so far because I wanted to give you guys a proper chance.