General info about shipment and manufacturing

this list? i searched did not find me

oh i searched the wrong backerid number thanks for that


Thanks so much!

OMG I’m on the list - can’t believe it!! :smiley:

Hello philips
Im backer indigogo #6250 from france , and backerkit #11613033 , and i can’t find myself in any list … is it normal ? Thank you

@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_1

Although i shared with you a proof that before you are not following contribution number and follow country by country see arrached photo

I think you are not following any systematic way
Just you made this forum to over sight the contributor comments

I also explain my situation but your non care attitude and ignorance

Again i need specific time for delivery to check wether is it suitable for me or to cancel and ask refund i am going to travel from country to another


Dear all ,

I need to complain against the people who is controlling this forum as i see they are not giving us attention if any one know how can i complain please send me Email or contact Number

Thanks in advance

Hello, we already told you: you are backer 14,091 from Oct the 3d. We shipped 8090 devices

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@Philips_Support_N please stop telling lies

Check attached photos in above post and all people can see you deliver 12××× and 10××× so it is not in sequance it is only up to you


Please can you give me finally some good news! Is my Projector going to ship soon? Can’t find my ID number! Been waiting since september last year

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I am requesting all the people who did not receive their product and still sufferings from un clear system of delivery to check the above post and judge how philips nono says they are still at 80×× and i share photos of some contributors with No up to 12xxx

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@Philips_Support_N I am backer 7102 id 15585507 and I could not find myself on list

It depends, sometimes we ship by country and sometimes by backer number. It depends the cost to send the goods. We are trying as much as possible to follow the list. In EU for eg, we cannot send belo 500 product everytime cause it’s too expensive. This is the reality.

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you are 14,485 on Indiegogo

So why you said last batch will include saudi arabia
I am sure you did not send a single PC to saudi arabia
You only trying to over sight our comments as i said
And in case if you send before to saudi arabia why did not send only 25 pcs

It is clear that depend only in some hidden factors you are shipping

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Yeah. I’m backer 3396 and still nothing happened. I was forgotten twice , this is joke.

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I’m sorry but there are saudi arabia in this batch (8 of them): 15595130

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@Philips_Support_N So you are trying to convince me you shipped 8 out of 25 cheaper that shipping it all at once

Even more i told ealier i have an issue with my job contract and i am going to change the country very soon but you did not understand this situation in other hand many excuse had been accepted by all of us can you tell me how many target and promise you give it to all backers

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backer kit ID 15589389 , **8,537 th contributor. still not in the list?

@Philips_Support_N I knew that, but each time I login here, guys are using different numbers (backers number, indiegogo number, and now popular is hidden number), so I am confused. Thanks for your hard work, I really appreciate it. Regards

your backerkit number please ?