we have answered you on the same day and also made the refund 1h after your email.
have a great day!
You’re slow as molasses responding to me. You can see the email associated with my account. I never received my 2 units. It’s so strange to just ship something without sending a notification (other than having it buried in the 40 odd updates in the campaign). I have never had a package go missing in years from Amazon, Walmart etc.
Hello, we will answer you by email as this community is not for after sales. I reached out to the CS team to check again your situation.
Dear Philips,
We don’t demand endless support, with continuous feature updates, but please at least come up with a reasonable deadline to fix the fan noise so the product can be considered “ready”. (it is NOT at the moment)
Is this the way Philips handles customers who actually supported them in developing a product?
Even the indiegogo@philipsprojection.com e-mail address got terminated.
An answer is still expected @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_P @Philips_Support_A @Philips_Support_S