Middle East backers

They fulfilled only KSA. I had asked them why they didnt send the remaining PPMs for UAE and Bahrain as it would have saved their time…and then got a reply from @IvoGrijt. — General info about shipment and manufacturing

Which seems partially convincing but nevertheless…as he suggested - “look at the positive side, which is that a way was found and that your wait is almost over”


maybe … positive point of view

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Did you pay the import tax yet?

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when you will receive the parcel you can pay to DHL

still didn’t try it but satisfy about the product first check …


Congratulations! Once you do get a chance to try it… please share your honest comments It’s here! - First Impressions and Thoughts


sure i will do … i take my time, so in the weekend i will take the best opportunity to find out all the specification and my fair comments … :slightly_smiling_face:


Note that we had to go to a different, more expensive forwarder and route to even make KSA happen. UAE and Bahrain did not pose issues for the regular forwarder, so those are still handled by them, with all the pros and cons involved.

@AHMEDMONSEF glad to see you got yours in! :partying_face:


the value of this projector is not the money we paid or the time we wait for receiving it … it is the community across the world sharing their feelings and worry and anger … sharing our emotions … that’s the actual value … glad to chat with you


Finally arrived…after 9 months! But it finally did. Thank you Philips projection team and all others who were involved in the project. @IvoGrijt hats off to you for your patience with us.

Will be plugging it in soon and provide feedback. Hope everything goes well (fingers crossed) @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_T


@Snir, did you receive your PPM?
I got DHL tracking number on May 20(!) but this number doesn’t exist in their system (got their reply this morning). I already emailed Philips and backekit with no response so far.

what about Kuwait ?? any update ??
i received tracking 20 of May and didn’t work until now nothing happen.

Yes, received it 1 month ago.
Unfortunately it is defective and i have to send it back.

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