Shipping to Europe

So 500 a day over 4 week period working Monday- Friday would make around 10k?

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Plus 4 days :grin:

Thanks for clarification, I appreciate it :grin:

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Did the first factory actually opened and worked at full capacity today?

Do you now have more accurate projections about production and shipping?

I have only one question: when will they start shipping again? I hope ASAP and not after 2nd april.

Good, news, our 1st factory has started today, we will keep you all posted as soon as we have a first batch to send


It is been 25 days since I reported that my order was returned to sender due to some error and 6 days ago you were able to confirm that it was returned due to a defective packaging, which I believe is Philips fault. You said you will send a new one since and yet no details for over a week.I am one of the very early backers based in Ireland and it is not like my order is stuck in China or Italy due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Please give me a working tracking number asap.

Argh, I really hope my contribution nr 3494 is being shipped very soon!!

I ordered 27th of August en something must be gone wrong is the shipping before CNY…

Cheers, Roland

@iRoland @Philips_Support_N Me too! I’m 3333 , along with you was skipped. Very excited to hopefully get shipped soon :slight_smile:

yes, Greece is still in Europe ,
any updates about shipping???

My Contribution ID is. 184. My order was sent back to sender due to defective packaging about a month ago. I reported it immediately and about 3 days ago @Philips_Support_N said I will be given a new tracking number, the very next day. But it has been 3 days now. No word on when it will be reshipped or no word at all. And I am only of the very early contributors. I can’t imagine what the waiting is going to be for other who joined in after me.

hi, I have backing id 6463.
I am still waiting for my picoPIX and I need to change the delivery address. What should I do??


Hello @lorroberty.
Welcome to this forum.

To ask for address change, you must write to

Does anyone know when the next shipment to Europe will be? Besides the forgotten ones?

Hi guys! I’m new to the forum though I’ve been reading through frequently. I have been whining to myself about waiting for so long but in the end I just figured there’s no point complaining since it wouldn’t actually make things faster anyways. But now with the Coronavirus and staying home all day I really wish I could use the projector.

I’m backer ID 12xxx. I know some of you guys with IDs in the 3000s are still waiting, but do we have some kind of estimate on how many EU backers are above 4000, that will be included in the next EU batch? I’ve seen US backers with way higher IDs already getting their pico in January which sounds very unfair though I understand the logistics behind.

My next question is, what does “Address locked” mean in the backerkit survey? Is it a sign that the next batch might include me? Or all addresses locked already and will be shipped when the time comes?

I understand your frustration. But a lot of things are happening on a daily and hourly basis that could influence when you get yours. For instance:

  • The US closing its borders to the EU could be followed by them closing their borders to Asian countries to if they haven’t already, meaning that perhaps a batch that could go to US backers will be redirected to the EU instead
  • Everyday more people are coming back to work in the factories, shippers, etc. that are in the Asian part of the chain to get the projector to you.
  • On the other hand with the situation getting worse in Europe that could also mean that the products might get to the EU but not be able to be distributed with more countries / areas on lockdown (I’m thinking about Italy for instance)

So giving a prediction or estimate is extremely difficult and will only lead to either false hope or disappointment if it turns out to be off. Best is to follow and take in the daily reports by the team here, usually given in the thread General info about shipment and manufacturing


You’re globally right @IvoGrijt, except that, for now, the US borders are only closed to people, not goods.
Therefore, according to that (which can change at any moment), PPM could enter US territory.

But the best is following news and see what happens.

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Hi, lockdown is not for goods, neither in Italy. :slight_smile:


But how do the goods get transported? It’s not an army of robots driving them around now is it?
So the lockdown still has a potential impact.

Postal service is working, shipping services like DHL or UPS are working. If a worker can’t work from home, he/she can go to the job. I can go buying food or meds. Unnecessary services and shops are closed. You can buy cigarettes and newspapers. As much as possible, you have to stay at home but we are not in a prison.