We’ll never get a reply on this thread. And I wonder if they really sent those projectors which included the australian plug to the different country ?
That’s not what they said. They sent A shipment , not the Australian shipment. That’s how I read it. The Aussie shipment is still waiting to be picked up after the new year holidays.
It’s not the end of the world. It’s just a projector.
Because Philips probably have a deal with DHL, and also, the other courier companies probably close their offices too.
Another ADELAIDE here. Still waiting …
Just received this email reply;
Your PicoPix Max should be shipped two weeks after Chinese New Year,
Don’t hesitate to visit our Community, you will find more details and all the comments from the others backers, https://community.projection.philips/
Philips Projection
There’s a bit more info over on the Official AU/NZ thread - Australia & New Zealand
I wonder if the production starts tomorrow and we’ll get it in few weeks down under
I’ll be waiting with baited breath, not just to read if the Screeneo factories reopen, but the rest of Shenzhen too. I was watching some YouTube vloggers travel around Shenzhen to show how a city of 12 million people had effectively become a ghost town. I read some of the residential areas were put on lockdown today and Foxconn (Apple) told workers not to return on Monday. China is a long way off returning to business-as-usual. I wish them well, I wish them luck.
It’s now just after Chinese New Year!
If you missed the latest annoucement - New shipments after cny
In another thread, the team said Australia will be shipped to first, around 500-700 units, hopefully that will change to 700-1k
Let’s hope we all get ours soon
Yeah I’m expecting more delays. If apples production isn’t opening back up On the 9th then pretty safe to say neither will Phillips / screeneo for manufacture and shipment. If only they shipped out the Aus order before CNY like they stated…
As I read it, there’s a shipment for Au/NZ ready to go when DHL opens their office, most of us won’t need to wait for production to start.
May be they sent those projectors to the other countries. Is that right @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_P
Got this email from them.
Our production plants are currently closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
We are sorry that we were not able to deliver your order within the announced deadlines but we are doing our best to fulfill your PicoPix Max as soon as possible.
We already shipped around 3,756 devices and we should restart on Monday the 17th of February. We are following very closely the news in China with our field team and we will let you know as soon as we restart the production.
These difficulties are unfortunately beyond our control and we are relying on the Chinese Government to reopen the factories as soon as possible.
Frustrating timing. But understandable considering the circumstances. Hope we’re still first up when the factory opens.
That’s the same text copied and pasted from their post in the European shipping thread. Fair enough I guess. Nothing they can do for now.
latest update: the factory wont be opened till 24/2.
banner on this page has been updated tonight… New shipments after cny
Is it getting shipped today guys?
They have been shipped.