Greetings , When is the expected shipping to Dubai - Middle East ?
I have finished the survey on 8th Dec 2019.
Greetings , When is the expected shipping to Dubai - Middle East ?
I have finished the survey on 8th Dec 2019.
Hello there.
I think you are forgetting the UAE somehow… I’ve seen people with contribution number above 4000 that received their projector already…
Can we know when you will deliver ours? My contribution number is 3792.
Kindly revert back soon please.
@Philips_Support_N this has been asked multiple times on indiegogo as well but there has been no response so far, Can you please share some estimated time for Dubai/Abu Dhabi Shipment as it may help to plan our availability to receive the package during that duration?
Me too, I will be leaving the country for the month when Ramadan starts, it would be a disaster if it turns up in this time frame.
Where are you going in Ramadan ? , I don’t know what is you ID number but I if you going to EU I would suggest you request for an address change. They are shipping to EU b4 everyone else regardless of ID number.
I am going to England and to America, my ID is somewhere around 10000
England… i think it is still considered EU. I would say maybe in the next 4 months
I would much prefer to receive it to Dubai, there is still 7 weeks until I leave for a month.
I think it will be more than that. based on the news and the speed of factories getting back to work. my wish that it will be send to me this year
You’ll get it before summer in my opinion.
The companies are getting more people back in as the quarantaines are finishing, the workers are getting the hang again of what they’re building, the shipping routes are getting back on track, so I’m optimistic.
The impact of the Corona virus is still shifting and changing on a daily basis though, so that’s the only unknown variable at the moment, everything else is known or predictable in my opinion.
Hi , My backlist still shows me this status. I am seeing a lot that have received msg from DHL here in UAE. do u think something is wrong with my order?
Just got mine. ready to test it