4 Corner Adjustment - Linearity Distortion

An engineer has been assigned to this issue and it is in progress.


Just checking in to see if any progress has been made on bug #29 (linear distortion issue).
Thank you!


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Keystone issue skewed left side

Is the h linearity issue still actually being looked into? I would like to be able to actually use as advertised…(See image attached)


Do you mean with internal content (ie. apps running on the projector itself) or external content (HDMI / USB-C)? With internal content, it should already work. If it doesn’t for you, there should be help available with that here on the forum. With external sources, it’s unfortunately never going to work because the hardware doesn’t support it. The 4 corner adjustment is part of the projector’s Android OS, and the external sources bypass that completely. See this thread for more info: INFO: Limitations of features for HDMI and USB-C inputs

Edit: sorry, just realised that you probably asked very specifically about the linearity issue and not about 4 corner correction in general.

All good. Yeah basically less of this:


and more of this:


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Horizontal keystone adjustment

The last issue mentioned is not relevant to this topic. Please move to a relevant thread. (See it is now merged elsewhere, thank you!)

Really hoping the work on Linearity Distortion is coming along!

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To debug/setup 4 corner (and maybe other correction) better, can we get a grid of squares texture similar to UV mapping textures but 16:9? Providing one and allowing the user to select their own would be fantastic.

This will give you orientation and stretching/compression of areas.

example, a 1080p version of:


This may be even better:

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@izaaner thanks for the suggestions, we will try to implement it.

Interestingly, the 2nd-last pattern you’ve suggested is the Philips PM5644 test pattern. It is one of the test patterns included with the beta-only color adjustment app.


I’ve only ever used it with internal content, and I can tell you it doesn’t automatically project from any angle.

Mine was perfectly square on the startup screen but when I try and play something through a firestick its badly distorted.

The design intent is that the projector should adjust automatically when it is angled up or down. The automatic procedure is only designed to handle projecting against a vertical wall or flat ceiling, and must first be calibrated against gravity in a neutral position to know what “down” is. An internal sensor can then sense the angular difference between what was calibrated, and the current direction of gravity.

The projector lacks sensor capability to determine its own horizontal angle against the screen (left to right). From the projector’s own point of view, the picture covers the same angle even if part of the screen it is projected on is closer or further back.

I think it could be theoretically possible to program an appromixation of a “left-to-right” sensor by checking the difference in focus distance while adjusting to find focus, as the left and right side of the screen become sharp at different times. It would not be easy though, if the motorized focus is as imprecise as has been suggested, and the difference in distance is small enough that most of the screen looks “acceptably sharp”. It would probably yield a much less useful result than manual four-corner correction.

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13 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about PPX features that were advertised but not present in final product

New PPM owner here.

I’ve set it up yesterday in our bedroom, on bedside table. It’s projecting at cca 30 degrees angle to the wall in front. It’s also projecting up. So in summary “right and up”.

I’ve manually adjusted 4 corners to the best of my abilities. Doing it manually is not too big of a deal for me however …

I have tried Netflix and H Linearity problem is visible - objects on the left are “squashed” and to the right larger then they should be.

I’ve read number of posts in this forum but I can’t figure out what is the latest on this problem. Is there an ETA for a solution (and I surely hope one is coming sooner rather then later)?

Welcome on board and thanks for your feedback!

Philips Projection is/was definitely working on this Task #29 and the Feature & Bug List [1] will be updated very soon. As far as I can see in the moderator section, the Task was marked internally as closed, so lets cross fingers for a software update announcement in the next time :wink:

[1] Current Bug / Planned Features list

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Thanks for the pointer to the backlog.

Items #16 and #29 are of interest. Not 100% sure what #16 is all about but #29 looks like it might be addressing the issue I am seeing. I hope we’ll get target version for this item soon.

Any progress on this issue? just wondering if this is targeted for an update release? 1.2.0?

Thank you!

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@Philips_Support_P When is the next SW update planned and would it include linear distortion fix?