Dear Philips,
I would like to get an update on my support. Here a general overview of my frustations:
- Ordered on 09-2019 expected delivery: 11-2019
- 02-2019 Finally production starts, no update to any costumer when to expect the delivery
- 03-2019 Corona, factory shut down. Can not blame anyone for that
- 04-2019 Factories open. No communication from Philips to customers. Yeah an excel list and a hack to the sourcecode of indigogo to get your backer_id.
- 04-2019 Finally, an update on delivery, then DHL get package stuck in Germany for 30 days. Get a call, to make an appointment for delivery.
- 05-2019 Unboxing, picopix death on arrival, no adequate customer support. Happens that the wire is to short. ( Why extent the testing for 4 months in the first place? )
- 06-2019 Return to China
- 07-2019 Update on delivery, the package is at DHL, no communication at all when to expect the package
- 08-2019 Holidays. Package stuck in Germany.
- 09-2019 Update, package not stuck in Germany but on its way back to China. Communication with DHL, return to sender since I was on holiday. Why did they not make any appointment in the first place? No communication at all, no update on the delivery, nor a message that it was not delivered. Email to the support.
- Waiting now for 10 days to get support.
This project is the most frustrating project. It took me already1 10 hours to communicate.
@Philips_Support_T Please read the email in the support section.
I would like to receive the picopix. I am waiting for a full year with backer 6000-7000. The plastic light machine is on sale in NL, order today, receive tomorrow. Order in 2019, hope to get a working one in 2021.
I hope you can make me happy with the PicoPix somewhere this month, and put a nice bottle of your finest whine with it.
Yours sincerely,
A sad customer