HDCP means « High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection »…
Therefore yes, it’s all about DRM and these apps protect their content by blocking AirPlay broadcasting…
Apple TV won’t stream what I brought from iTunes?! I don’t own one, but I don’t thing so…
And anyway, this is not the topic. I mean I was hyped by the campaign saying you can Airplay wherever you are, but AirPlaying a 720p content on a 120" screen is total nonsense, unless I want to count all the pixels one by one at 2m distance…
You don’t have to airplay content from iTunes because you can stream it direct on Apple TV, so this is not a use case there. But you can’t airplay protected content, that’s for sure.
If you have an Apple TV hooked up to the Pico max you can airplay whatever you want onto the Appletv from any Apple device. But if you’re trying to airplay to the PPM it’s limited due to DRM. Downside of this is you lose the portability factor. My preference of choice for steaming Appletv is either my 4k firestick or my lighting hdmi out cable via iPad.
No, it’s definitely not useless. There’s lots of things that somebody might want to use a projector for that isn’t protected by DRM. Just because you want to watch DRM protected content doesn’t mean that everyone else has the same need.
You’re definitely right, you might use it as a side monitor for your Mac.
But the thing is the campaign/communication was really misleading on this. “HD content” “mirroring”… all I was keen to is to watch my library wherever I want.
Anyway, it is what it is. I think crowdfunding is really not something made for me.
Please be aware that AirPlay is not a licensed technology. All non-Apple products have the same issue. This is also true for Google Cast. We have currently the best re-implementation of these closed protocols, which we’ve put inside PicoPix Max for the benefit of our customers. You can still watch “HD content” via airplay mirroring no problem. The inability to play iTunes purchased content is a limitation coming from Apple.
Unless they are AirPlay 2 compatible, which Apple is licensing to third parties. We are already in touch with them to implement it on PicoPix Max.
Thank you very much for your answer, this is really much appreciated.
All of us are not big technology “geeks” and are unable to read between the lines. This is a much better explanation that might have been very useful to me when I backed the project on Auguste, at least for my use case.
Is Airplay 2 something you can add by a simple update or does it need “an engraved key, beside the processor” (or that’s what I understood it was about) like for Netflix?
From our initial info it looks like it’s a software feature. No key burning needed. (We are very early in the process though it’s def high on the list.)
So if I understand correctly: if you want to watch bought iTunes Movies you can not watch that thru PPM thru HDMI (screen size issues) and current AirPlay due to DRM limitations. Hope for a workaround asap otherwise my intended use is gone. I have seen a tool to copy a bought DRM movie but that’s “mile on seven” we say in Holland, whilst content and sufficient bandwith available and not an “on the go” solution I had in mind. It’s now more like plan activity, prepare content, put it on memory-stick (workaround DRM) and there you go …
Actually you can watch through HDMI and even pair your Mac to external speakers at the same time! (Be careful, you need to first pair the speaker, switch to it then plug the HDMI). Audio Sync is not perfect, but it is not that bad. The only thing, is that now you’re wired…
The only problem I have with this, is that color management is really bad for now (I’m waiting for V1.0.26) and the shadows are too dark. So dark that a lot of details are missing…