Could not find a thread on pairing a BT keyboard, sorry if there’s a solution for this already, or a known limitation, I’m using the latest version 1.0.25.
I was able to succesfully pair my apple magic keyboard but the key inputs are not registering on the PPM (netflix, youtube…)
There was some discussion on the IGG thread on this. One user who has already received their PPM was using this keyboard (has touchpad and scroll wheel) which worked a treat).
I used logitech K480 bluetooth keyboard and connected to PPM, some keys are not mapped properly, for example, Both the “Esc” and “Enter” key does not work properly in PPM.
This problem existed in both 1.0.24 and 1.0.25. Anyone experienced the same problem with bluetooth keyboard?
good to know, it seems my issue may be limited to the apple magic keyboard, which is odd, its as much a BT keyboard than the Logitech K480… @Philips_Support_N are you guys aware of this issue?