Hello, could you please suggest good speakers that can play without lags.
Marshall Stanmore II or Sonos Move or Echo Studio are all compatible via bluetooth?
thank you
Hello, could you please suggest good speakers that can play without lags.
Marshall Stanmore II or Sonos Move or Echo Studio are all compatible via bluetooth?
thank you
Out of those I’ve only tested Echo Show 5 personally and it works just fine, no lag. Occasionally it does start with a small delay but then syncs within a few seconds and stays in sync. So I assume Echo Studio should have no issue either.
Thanks for the quick reply
Is it possibile to test speakers with better performance? Thanks
as soon as i receive my PPM i will be testing with the UE megaboom and Wonderboom 2:slight_smile:
I use two jbl pulse 4 in stereo
I’m using JBL Flip 4 and it works pretty nice!
Beoplay A1
I use a Bose Soundlink Mini II, and it works flawlessly
Is the channelling (stereo from ppp -> mono on each UE pulse = dual mono) handled by the ppm or by the UE speakers themselves ?
(I plan to buy 2 UE boom to get stereo, but have yet to understand if once you’ve paired them together (which apparently requires the android app) they stick to paired/dual mono whatever the source, or if it only works with the android device used to pair them)
With the wonderboom 2, the speakers handle that. The first speaker is paired to the projector, than the second speaker is paired to the first one
Today I bought UE Boom 3 and up to now, it worked fine
Thanks ! Just ordered 2 Boom 2
I use a JBL Soundbar over Bluetooth, works flawlessly and paired first time with no hassle.
I’ve been using the UE boom 3, Megablast and wonderboom have detected no lag so far. I’ve also used it with a steroactive speaker which is a stereo speaker but volume was very disappointing. I use the speakers above cos I take my ppm canoe camping
Does the ppm work with sonos move? The ppm seems to connect to bluetooth, but then no sounds comes out. What’s the deal? Thanks for the help.
.Im planning to buy the sonos move too
Any news about the Sonos integration ? @Philips_Support_P
Hi @James1 and @Snir it is still very much at the top of the list of major features to add. However we are busy fixing the bugs and completing the base feature-set before we start on partnership project like Hue and Sonos integration.
I’m about to order a pair of Anker Soundcore Motion+ Bluetooth Speakers
They generally have very good reviews with Bluetooth 5.0, just wanted to see if they have been tested or if anyone here owns them thanks.
Ordered one from aliexpress. 75$
How long ago? guessing you haven’t received it yet?