The autofocus doesn’t resolve anything, even manually.
I don’t know what to do and nothing change compared to the previous days when everything was fine.
Thanks for your help
I have notices something similar, but in my case it seems to go away after i let the projector heat up for a minute or two. Does this “effect” fade again after a while?
Yesterday I tried again and it was better, and after a little bit it has blurred like a cheap projector.
Today, it seems okay (from 10 mins).
I am a little but afraid
Edit : it’s like it’s getting tired after few minutes or 1 hour
maybe this has something to do with the projector reaching its “ideal” operating temperature. has anybody else also experienced this? in my case it would only happen when i just started up the projector after a longer period of no use and a few minutes later it was all okay.
I’ve had this issue since I received my projector: regardless of how long it’s running and I live in Sydney so pretty temperate. Thanks for raising this Njape as I wondered whether it was just me, unable to calibrate it properly. I’ll followup with Support as Ivo suggested. Thanks both
Haha, same here Njape. I did hear back from Support, asking that I complete a form to arrange pickup by Logistics of my defective device. I’ve now been waiting over two weeks to hear from Logistics, now wondering when/if they will be in touch… Hope that someone has now helped you out
Hi Ivo, I contacted Support as you suggested. Support asked me to complete a Return Form to arrange pick up by a courier. It’s now been over 5 weeks since I completed the Form and no-one’s been to collect the faulty projector. I contacted Support a couple of times to find out what’s happening, but no response.
It’s this normal? Any suggestions on what I should do? Any help/advice you can offer is most welcome.
Hey Njape - progress! Great to hear. Has anyone been to collect your device? Mine just got picked up by the courier for inspection, about 5 weeks after filling out the form. The key point being that it does happen in the end. Will keep you posted