Hi there,
Was wondering if we could connect 2 Bluetooth speakers to create a stereo effect.
Please advice.
Kind regards,
Hi there,
Was wondering if we could connect 2 Bluetooth speakers to create a stereo effect.
Please advice.
Kind regards,
Certain Bluetooth speakers can be paired in stereo, but this happens between the speakers, not the audio source. You will have to search for speakers that have this capability.
I have read this in a post, @IvoGrijt @PhilipsNono @Philips_Support_P the picopix max has Bluetooth 5 built in and that means theoretically it should be able to connect to more than 1 Bluetooth speakers from any brand, but unfortunately this promised update never happened. Could someone please shed some light on this.
I use this device: PrivaIII. Works like charm with two older Bose soundlink mini. Connect it via usb to the Pico and ready.
JBL speakers can be paired together and provide stereo output but this will not work as expected on the picopix because the audio has a big latency compared to the video.
I did not try to connect two of them directly to the device, I doubt it will work but never tried it.
I use a JBL Charge3 with my PPM every day, and no latency whatsoeve
As I said, one works. Two (stereo) will add extra latency.