So I’m not sure if this has been posted before. But I have this problem that when I turn the projector on with a HDMI device connected, it will automatically choose that input and there is no way for me to change it. The only buttons that will work on the remote are the power and the focus button.
Only when I connect the HDMI when the projector is already turned on, I can use the home button.
Does Home work if you unplug and replug the HDMI source or does it require a restart of the projector without HDMI source connected for Home to work? Curious issue, I haven’t seen it mentioned earlier.
I had the same issue several time and I suspect the Bluetooth pairing between the PPM and the remote is falling at boot. I didn’t try to use the touch panel when it occurred.
I had the same issue. It’s repeatable. I can get back to home once I unplug the hdmi. I think it should not be standard behavior. Whether hdmi is plugged or unplugged (active or not), the home button should work and return ppm to the launcher.
No. The touchpad doesn’t respond. It fully locks up. Only by removing the hdmi and usbc. I have a multi hdmi box. So I guessed it was that at first. But now the usb c is the same it must be internal. Auto connect not working correctly. Would be nice to turn that off. If that is the issue.
I have the same issue with HDMI plugged in. I think I already posted this in a different thread. This is a serious issue for many users who just use HDMI source. @Philips_Support_T Can this be looked into please?
So far the problem seems to disappear after updated to latest 1.0.29. Will keep you posted.
UPDATE: Sorry guys, the problem persisted. So long HDMI is connected, there are times I couldn’t go back to home. It’s by physically unplug hdmi for the remote home button to work.
Unfortunately the issue is still there. HDMI plugged in. Unit turned off and the next morning when turned on the unit is stuck on the no signal screen. Unable to use the remote at all. Not the touch screen. Physically removing the usbc and hdmi from the rear of the unit is the only way to fix it. And another issue I use MW60 Master and Dynamic headphones. And I have to unpair and pair every time I turn on the unit.