Untill now everything worked just fine, as well charging or watching movies while plugged in.
Today I wanted to recharge the battery and plugged everything in as usual. Nothing different on the outlets or anything. After charging a few seconds the part plugged in in the outlet made a loud bursting sound and then it started smoking and caught fire. Was able to stop it imediatly, but REALLY?
Just aside that I’m upset about what could have happened if I would have left the room, I don’t have anything to charge my PicoPix now. Where can I get a new charger?
Is there a warranty for that charger!? Any way of replacement? I want to use the original charger than try and error with “where to find a 5A charger in switzerland”…
That layout on the PCB looks abit off. looks like a two layer PCB and 0 copperfill. I get that you want to keep isolation to max in a power layout but thats pretty ridiculous. So much space where fatter traces could have been. Hard to tell what component blew on from the picture but my best guess is the rectifier.
@Philips_Support_T no one answers the mails! It’s been a month! When am I supposed to use my projector again???
Edit: still NO answer… @IvoGrijt could you maybe help me out here? You helped me alot earlier. I don’t have a charger any more and absolutely noone answers the support I was directed to. I’m sure I have some kind of warranty for this!
I just can’t believe this. No one is reacting to the support. Could you PLEASE help me out with that charger!? I can’t use my projector after not even half a year! Tell me what I need to do to get a new charger! I don’t even care if you want me to pay for that but at least answer what I need to do!
Hi Gizem,
just read through your messages.
I spoke with @Philips_Support_N about this.
His team needs to sort this out and get a new charger to you.
Sorry for the delay,