I currently own a Synology NAS and installed Synology Video app on PPM. I want to stream films (1080p) through Synology Video app, but i notice the video is not streaming very smoothly (sound and vidoe are in sync, but noticeable random video lag/ frame rate drop).
Does anyone have the same issue? is this an issue of the app/ PPM hardware compatibility problem?
I had the same issue. At the end, I concluded it’s a codec issue, since the video players on the PPM or mobile phone or other devices don’t have identical codecs unless the user (you) took measures to install identical codecs.
I’m not a very technical person so I don’t know more but, that was my conclusion.
I’m also playing videos from my Synology (using VLC) but frankly never bothered installed DS Video app.
Is there anything in particular with this app that you need?
Otherwise I strongly recommend to use one of the better tested players (like VLC, Plex, etc).
I dont want to pay for Plex pass as DS Video is sufficient for me. I guess I have to VLC or other play to do the same job, not using DS Video just need few more “clicks” to access NAS content. Thanks.
Where did you get the DS Video app from? I would suggest trying with the version from Synology themselves.
That being said, I also prefer to use Kodi due to its hardware assisted features, and can also vouch for Nova Player as means to access my Synology NAS.
Having transcoding features set on my DS918+ also helps I think.
PPM does not support Google Play, where can I get the official “version from Synology”? I download DS Video from Aptoide.
I tried VLC player, it’s ok, but the user interface is not very user friendly. I also tried Nova Video Player, i also encounter frame rate drop and even more worse than DS Video. Is there any specific setting I need to change for better performance of Nova Player?
Additional questions:
Which NAS model are you using?
Is it connected to your network via a wired connection?
Which WiFi band is your PPX connected to, 2.4GHz or 5GHz?
I downloaded the DS Video apk from Synology, installed on PPM and it solved the problem - the video is clear and no frame rate drop but it cannot play subtitles.
Actually before it starts to play video, it auto-detect and let me select the subtitle file but the subtitle could not show up.
The only solution that works for me is to use VLC play (smb), if I use upnp the subtitle did not show up.
I think it is not related to the WIFI / hardware, the only problem now is that the offical DS Video could not read the subtitle file while the DS Video (from aptoide) could play and read subtitles but with frame rate drop.
I also read Synology forum. Some other users also report the subtitle problem of DS video player, but I could not find the solution yet.