Discussion about PPX features that were advertised but not present in final product

At that price point I personally wouldn’t buy any projector, not even if it did all you thought you’d be getting based on the marketing. I have a 75” 4K Master Series Bravia at home which takes care of all my home theatre needs. That’s why I backed this campaign so early, backer 456, cause else I wouldn’t have backed it at all, regardless of the feature set promised or actual.

What do you think is a fair/good price for this product? And what do you see as it’s peers?
And thank you very much for keeping this going :blush:
This COVID stuff got me shut in.

I don’t know the market. I would only buy Sony, Philips, Epson, or Optoma I think. I didn’t need a projector now, but whenever I needed one I wish I had one portable and self-sufficient like the PPX.

But this is part of the problem - “Philips” have chosen mods who back the company - rather than those who back the backers.

Whilst it’s nothing against you, when the campaign was running the specs were very clear… 4 corner correction from any source.

So many lies… And yes… They are lies as these issues were known long before the campaign started - yet we were still told we’d get 4cc plus all the other changes we’ve endured. Then to add insult to injury - the campaign was changed after we backed it.

Whilst I love my ppm - I hate the way the Philips name has been abused by another well known company - Screeneo… They’ve produced enough projectors to know what they are doing - this still seems like Screeneo have bought a design off another manufacturer.

Even the shipping was a disaster… Very amateuristic. It was like they’d never shipped product outside China before.


The moderators were chosen from a list of people who volunteered and actually engaged with other backers, helping them find their way. Then as time went by they saw some other backers who were putting time into the forum, including myself and more recently @imdevu and @djupsjob. That’s what we all do: put time in the forum for the backers.

I’m not here for Philips, Screeneo, or a paycheck. I’m here for the backers, all of them: those who got their units and those still waiting. The happy and unhappy ones. The geeks and the casual users. I’m sure you didn’t mean to point any fingers, but starting your post with the words “Part of the problem” just raises all my hairs and pressure (talking about red flags earlier with @Timothy_Cowger), this is a huge “accusation” that I will not let slide easily.

As for lies: TBH I didn’t follow the campaign at all until the forum got started, as I wasn’t on any Telegram or Facebook groups back then and couldn’t stand the IndieGoGo comment system. So I can’t really say what was known or shared when. But even by as recent as March, days before the campaign and with it the refund policy, all those who felt lied to could back out and get their money. Many did, some did and backed it yet again though. So if you feel fooled, and still stayed, then all I can say is try to enjoy the ride. Give feedback, negative or positive, as long as it’s constructive and not personal, and by all means engage with others. We welcome all opinions and views, within the forum guidelines.

Regarding the shipping: search for posts by @IvoG with the word skill to read my stance on this all. That’s why I jumped aboard to help them.

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Hi Vassago, I was actually surprised to see the notification message that i was promoted as a moderator. In fact i was just a lurker trying to make sense of the updates and I still am.
Also, I have no access to privileged information that now @IvoGrijt has. :grin:

I try to summarize things as is without being partial to either Philips or the backers, in the hopes that some people will have to spend lesser time in making sense of the fragmented updates we get.

I’d ordered the PPM to use it for my Kid’s first birthday back in Oct 2019, and he turned one in January this year and I still haven’t received my PPM yet and there are days I get mad too… either due to simple lack of information or something which did not happen as anticipated. But honestly, we live in a different world than 3 months ago and I am being empathetic to the new challenges that are being faced.

I have tried to manage some situation in my workplace for my juniors that I would never have imagined were possible or even remotely part of my Job description, but times have changed.

All I ask is be a little more patient, since you would have probably waited for quite some time already. There will be light at the end of the tunnel.

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Oh hey, our discussion is hidden? :pensive:

It’s unlisted, meaning that only someone who has participated in it or has a direct link to it can find it and see it. It also renders it invisible to anonymous readers without logins like webcrawlers. So it’s sort of hidden, not totally though.

This was done by PhilipsNono, so any questions or remarks about the unlisting you would need to direct them to him.

Well I thought it highlighted a few good points. I thought you did a great job as a moderator. +1 for civil discussion.


Like I said before,

Even though Philips has hired me it’s not on a hourly rate contract, so I’m not spending time here just to rack up more billable hours or anything. It’s my passion and dedication to the community that makes it that I’m here moderating, discussing, helping, hearing from you all. I’m not a marketer nor too concerned with keeping an image personally, but of course I’ll try to not dishonor the faith put in and agreements made with me by all-out accusing my bosses / colleagues of issues or mistakes, especially when I wasn’t involved in any of that, and am merely helping them out with the administrative parts of the logistics.

But I have been critical before, as a backer, and personally welcome constructive criticism as I believe that’s one way to measure yourself and to learn and grow. I’ve managed to lose my cool a few times or been condescending without realizing I was, and when called out for it I have apologized publicly for it.

So yeah, I take pride in my work for you guys, and whenever someone so much as pokes in my direction calling me a conspirator or “part of the problem”, that’s when those red flags come into play!

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I also strongly object to this. I’ve have never even considered “backing” Philips Projection instead of us, the community of backers. Most of what I have done here on the forum is to try to help people make sense of the very “intricate” shipping process.

One thing that many of us moderators do - I have certainly done it all the time - is repeat what the Philips Projection staff has posted here on the forum. Understandably, this can create the impression that we automatically agree with everything they say. I can assure you that this is not the case.

Ultimately, it boils down to what we consider to be a useful strategy. I can of course only speak for myself here, but at least I don’t see any point whatsoever in publicly complaining and repeatedly criticizing things that clearly aren’t going to change. For instance, would I have wanted the BT audio to work when using external sources? Absolutely! However, since it doesn’t and the hardware design of the projector isn’t going to change at this point, I really do think the best strategy is to tell potentially disappointed customers that it won’t work, point them to the relevant information and explain what their options are. I consider this to be the most constructive thing we can do.

BT audio is only one example, the same thing goes for four corners correction, GMS certification, slow manufacturing, problems with shipping and so forth. I would absolutely have wanted everything the initial marketing material said to be 100% true, as well as the manufacturing process to go completely smoothly with 100% QC and the shipping to be done immediately with no slowdowns whatsoever. For many reasons, most of them out of Philips Projection’s control, this didn’t happen. But as volunteer moderators, we really don’t have any say in how things are done, we can only try to help the backers understand the process as it is.


I didn’t want to do this “out there” so I did it here:

From MoGo Pro Support support:

Does it support both vertical and horizontal keystone corrections?
Yes, both vertical keystone correction and horizontal keystone correction are supported. Front projection mode: auto and manual vertical keystone correction. Side projection mode: manual horizontal keystone correction (4 points adjustment) Settings- Projector Settings- Keystone Correction

Can I watch Netflix on MoGo Pro?
We are currently working on the BD process for Netflix. For now, you can download the XTV manager apk from the Google Play Store and use Netlfix on MoGo Pro

How large can XGIMI MoGo Pro project?
Throw ratio is the ratio of the distance from the lens to the screen (throw) to the screen width when the distance from the lens to screen is the same. The smaller the projection ratio is, the larger the screen can throw. To adjust MoGo Pro’s projection size, you can physically move the device backward or forwards. MoGo Pro projection ratio : 1.2:1 PS: the ideal protection size for MoGo Pro is 60’‘-100’’

Thanks man :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d have loved to see a love child between this and that. That would be fantastic. I guess we’re a few years away from a more developed technology.

We should troll their forums lol

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LOL, I don’t believe in pulling others down just to feel better about my shortcomings. I’d rather look towards others to pull myself up.

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I feel like whatever this one is does seem to have Android TV with Netflix out of the box and working well

Perhaps they just put a Chromecast dongle in there and have 2 HDMI sources, just labeled one Home! :man_shrugging:t4:

One thing I feel / predict / hope: the next PicoPix Max Plus / Pro / TNG :man_shrugging:t4: will be sooooo good after all the lessons learned with this one!

Yeah I agree … I think we’re just at the cusp of a really great portable projector. Ha , we should start our own company and make one :slightly_smiling_face:
Well, China would make it…

For some reason I really want auto every keystone correction… It seems so nice to be able to put that projector anywhere and have it make you a nice picture.