Discussion about PPX features that were advertised but not present in final product

TBH I think it’s an unicorn.

Why?When you sit at an angle to a TV or the projected screen, is it really rectangular to you?
Your eyes and brain correct the image and tell you that it’s supposed to be a perfect 16:9 rectangular. But just like the projector can be off-angle, so is your vision at that moment, and you still see it as being perfect.

What would be better in my opinion is if we had an app on the phone, that would allow us to hold the phone in front of our face / line of sight and would look at the screen / projected image and tell the companion app on the projector how the image looks like. The companion app would then instruct the image processor on the projector how to make that “straight” again, from your perspective.

Next step would be to integrate this into your glasses… oh wait, that already exists!

But think of the linearity distortion!