I’ve been using my PicoPix Max to watch Disney+ for over 2 years and there has been no issue until recently. The app forced me to update to the latest version on Aptiode as the old version no longer works. So, I updated to ver.
After I updated, the app worked fine but I had a problem accessing the “Quality” and “Audio & Subtitles” menus. Every time I press the onscreen button, the button shows a response but no drop-down menu shows up on the screen.
Does anyone have the same issue? Any suggestion on where to find the APK that works well without issue?
Thanks for the advice. I’ve uninstalled Disney+ app and restarted as you suggested, but the OTA pushed app did not appear anywhere on the screen, neither “Home” nor “More Apps” page. (More Apps page is empty).
Any further advice or is it possible to share the link to the working (OTA pushed ver) APK file instead?