General info about shipment and manufacturing

A little explainer as to how the shipping of the projectors actually works:

These packages in a shipment have been handed over to the forwarder Philips Projection uses in Hong Kong, who creates the tracking labels with DHL and prints them out so they can label each and every one of the boxes.

As soon as they have the labels on the boxes, they send the list to PhilipsNono. As soon as the packages are about to ship, he uploads the Tracking labels to Backerkit. As soon as that happens you get notified. Now all you have to keep doing is being patient. Things don’t always proceed as fast as you may have been used to pre_Covid19, it has taken other shipments of these up to 4 weeks to actually arrive, 3 of which went without any change in the tracking situation.

DHL will always give the standard answer “only created but not actually picked up” because technically that’s the case: they don’t have the packages in their distribution hubs, so these packages won’t show as being in their process flow. The forwarder booked a flight to get the packages to the hubs, and got them on the plane. Their overseas counterparts now have to get them through customs and then to the DHL hub. Only then will DHL scan the packages into their system and consider them in their possession, and will the tracking information update.

Please be patient just a little longer.