General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi All, actually I can’t found my backer no. on my projects, anyone can tell me where to find it?

Hi where you read the backerkit id?

You can find out here:

,Hi Philips

I am in list 2 my backer id is 15588956 , before couple of days somone from philips talk with me and told me that my goods are already in HK and i should get another email from backerkit with a new tracking number
From some reason the old tracking number is not activate
Should i be in list 3 in the 104 list ? I am in status shiping on backerkit from 15.4.20 .
Until now i am not in the list 3 and i didn’t get new mail from backerkit or new tracking number
Can you please cheack it ?
I don’t want to miss the flight again.
Still not on the list an didn’t get a new tracking number

You can find out here: How to find your Backerkit ID

  • HK: 101 persons just received their tracking number. 104 devices totally. Tracking will be active tomorrow morning with Kerry Express.
  • EU: 1189 shipment tomorrow (List 3)
  • ROW (rest of the world): will need to go to HK first for DHL picking

Hello. Thanks for the updates on the backer lists - is there any news on when Brunei will be added to the queue as we are not on the no-fly list?
Many thanks

from HK, just received tracking number, extremely excited :laughing:

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Hi there,

I am backer 15588975, already found my number on list 2.
I received an automated message that the “instruction data for the shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically on 10th of April. I am located in Italy and it should come via Germany.

I patiently waited for more than 4 weeks for a status update but unfortunately there has been none.

Given that the tracking status didn’t change All this time I also contacted DHL that have confirmed that they haven’t received anything yet.

At this point I do not know whether I should stick to waiting or raise concern since this batch might have been lost, misplaced, etc.

An update on the situation would be most welcome.

Indiegogo contribution #9614

Backerkit ID 15588975

Yes indeed, I’m in the same situation. they are still stuck in Germany. We are pushing DHL

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@Philips_Support_N: So yours is stuck in Germany? I thought yours is in HK? Or is your PPM not sent to Switzerland?

no no, all products for EU (even CH), are going through Germany. So mine is still there… I don’t have time to call DHL for me frankly speaking. I will receive it when I will receive it. I’m pushing for you, not for me :slight_smile:


@Philips_Support_N I understand that the situation is beyond normal at this point but, at least we know that the shipment is indeed in Germany and for some reason delayed there?

You’re kidding, I assume. During the last two weeks we’ve all been talking about that the PPMs for Europe outside of EU are obviously shipped directly from HK to the respective country. And now you say this is not correct?
And why does DHL show for all of us that the origin of the shipment is HK?

Andy, CH is inside EU for logistics. And yes, the origin is HK, because it goes from HK to Germany, then Germany to all EU countries

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I understand that (even though it was not in January). But obviously the (politically) non-EU countries haven’t got their PPMs and the origin of the shipment is HK instead of Germany (as for EU countries).


  • We again have 180 new devices to add into the current 1624, 1200, 104 units (List 3).
  • Those 180 will be only for HK (tax reason as the devices are already in HK)

This is totally random, some received some not, DHL is not making any differentiation.

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Are there any Vietnamese’ backer in this batch( list 4)?. Thanks

Hey so my tracking info from 14th april has never registered is this expected.