General info about shipment and manufacturing

We did it on the same date: 21362

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Missed the flight, will be reshipped on 18th May.

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I could see IGG contribution id 21000+ in this list. But there are numbers lower than that missing. Any specific reasons for this pattern?

Hi @Philips_Support_N,

Again I see a backer id after me from Singapore on the list. My indiegogo id is 16629. Can you let me know how 16710 from Singapore is on the list and I am not?

Asking this for the 4th time now.

Thanks !


see this:

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Why Contribution ID
14552 Not Listed 3 I donā€™t understand what method of delivery

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Hi Philips Nono
I see in the list 3, you shipped toā€¦ indiegogo id 20xxx. My indiegogo id: 11761- when will you ship to me( may be on list 4) Thanks so much

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Well, My backer id 15583937 was not on list 3 earlier and my indiegogo contribution id 16629 is not on the new list either. However another contribution id, 16710 from the same country, Singapore, is on the list. What is going on?

I have queried this a multiple times with Philips Nono but have had no response.

The lack of response is very frustrating !

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We will check that and add you

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Guys, we will add 1384 new IDs tonight in this list. Donā€™t worry


Thank you @Philips_Support_Nā€¦appreciate the response.

On a side note, I understand there are other earlier backers from Singapore who also seem to have been missed. Would recommend that you scrub through the list once again and include them in the rightful sequence.

Thanks for your help on this !



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Any updates on shipments to Qatar?contribution id 20432


Could you please advise why my ID number 17475 (15583297) not in the list again on last update?

It goes up to 21511 but i am still not includedā€¦

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Issues with List1 and List2 Backers

Fingers crossed Iā€™m on tonightā€™s list.

Will i be on the list? Is bahrain on the list?

it will be

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I am so close, on the latest list two neighbouring contribution ids are around 10 numbers away from mine :heart::crossed_fingers:

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@Philips_Support_N so what exactly determines your priority of shipment? as some others have mentioned,
we are seeing contribution ID getting skipped, while the number is supposed to follow sequential order of time when one pledged.

I am upset with about this as I am also being skipped on the list.