General info about shipment and manufacturing

No movement jet at DHL.
If i check it op site then there is movment.

Yes this is my adress in israel.
Have you tried to insert the tracking number with DE on dhl germany site ?

Just a question for the Italian guys… Have you received your projector by DHL directly or by Poste Italiane?

This is torture!!! I’m on the DHL website every two seconds checking to see if the tracking number has been captured!


I am not sure what category this question falls under and if it has been already addressed.

What is the timeline (estimation) for the PicoPix Max to be sold in stores or online?

I think that only after we’ve finished the shipment to all the backers we’ll give the go ahead for retailers.

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Per quanto mi riguarda è stato affidato a SDA, ma da loro non ho ancora aggiornamenti e il seriale DHL non funziona sul sito SDA. Dati i pessimi precedenti di SDA non mi fido granchè. Ma vedremo. Se vuoi controllare lo stato della spedizione e il seriale non funziona sul sito DHL, prova su quello tedesco DHL.DE

To @IvoGrijt
Every morning in fact every minute I check this firm to see if there is any update coming. Unfortunately whenever I check there is only one drama DHL I don’t know what Express even I asked few times but all I got the was end of the week @IvoGrijt working on it. Now what is new. Or do we need to wait another couple of months?

Thank you

È proprio quello che temevo! SDA vul dire Poste… E il servizio è pessimo… Il mio tracking funziona su tutti i siti DHL quindi non è quello il problema… È la consegna finale che mi preoccupa…

Come on, man! Philips is certainly still responsible for the actions of their ‘forwarders’!

Next you’ll be telling me that if the forwarder decides to keep my projectors for themselves, I will need to take up the matter with them as it’s not Philips’ problem!

You, IvoG, seem a really willing and helpful guy.

But Philips Screeneo or whatever they are called have handled this whole matter really poorly. I can’t believe the contempt that is seemingly shown to backers here.

With all the delays and setbacks, I thought I’d get a more dignified response than “well, we’ve sent the projectors away so, yeah… hope the forwarder sends them to you when they feel up to it…”

This is certainly my last ever foray in to “crowd funding”.



  • you asked about the Taiwan backers and whether we intended to hold dispatch.
  • I told you we gave them the list of those who did update their info, and also indicated from my own take on this (which may not be what actually is the case, but I felt you needed to account that into the possibilities) that they might still wait a bit. Yes we are responsible in the end, but we can’t very well dictate every step the forwarder or shipper takes. For instance, if the last mile delivery service decides to deliver every single package they have on their route leaving yours last, there’s next to nothing we can do about that.
  • you then told me you don’t differentiate, talked about decency and sanity, and act by dates
  • all of which I did reply to, saying that we did not wait to instruct them (concerning the differentiation, decency, and sanity), and that unfortunately we cannot give you more information than we ourselves get at the moment

We made a promise to fulfill your pledge, and we are doing our best to do so with the partners we have in this campaign, despite all the setbacks like the pandemic, cargo crisis, and communication issues.

What you call contempt is in my opinion simply a matter of being understaffed and not having enough information at times, and even when we do provide the information it’s often questioned, criticized, or ridiculed.

My answer might not have been very dignified but you’re putting words into my mouth when you say that I “… hope the forwarder sends them to you when they feel up to it…”
I warned you they might aggregate their shipments so as to not be called a liar later on if they decide to do so despite us having sent the data already.
So again, perhaps not dignified but certainly honest and complete.

Perhaps that would be a wise statement to live by indeed, if it’s not for you.


Just wanted to mention that I’ve crowd funded 2 other projects in the past (~2016) and never saw anything till now with the company nowhere to be heard of (thankfully not high value items, but still). At least people are getting their projectors as late as it might be with this product :slight_smile:

Appreciate your efforts to wrap this up and eagerly awaiting the final list of backers!


Got my PicoMax one day after the arrive of the packet in Cologne.(l live in germany)

Happy to have it in may hands.
But man even without the whole virus, if the company tries a simular project, get somebody with skills in databases, who can provide datas/status for the customers. Less individuell questions, less work for you.


I have never insinuated or implied that you or Philips are liars, IvoG.

Can Philips at least say what the limit date is by which actions will be taken? What if one of the non respondents is unable to reply and never will do - there has to be some plan for partial fulfilment.

You’ve never seen me complain once as I fully understand the problems that have arisen from matters outside of Philips’ control.

But this last step, of (maybe) withholding despatch because of the inactions of unrelated parties is pretty poor. Yes - I get that Philips has despatch costs to consider.

I offered previously, without acknowledgement or reply, to Philips - let me pay extra to assist with shipping. I’d rather do that than sit idly by and hope that people I have no connection with whatsoever happen to complete their missing information, so I can receive my projectors.

It’s very frustrating to think that such a reason could be responsible for further delay, and of unknown duration/limit.


Anyone else receive an incorrect DHL
tracking number? I’ve written on the backerkit message service several times but get no reply. Slightly concerning…

I actually have the same problem. Im not sure whats going on…

me too… I mean the number I have received on the 30th is not tracked on either of DHL tracking sites. I’m in ‘Laurent’ batch so I’ll patiently wait until the 6th-7th since the Indiegogo update says the European part of the batch will be sent on the 6th to Germany.

@gillsy1981 @Harold_Dela_Pena @highway

Hi All, Even I got my tracking label some days back and it shows the following status:

(Not found): No result found for your DHL query. Please try again.

Please familiarize yourself with the flowchart outlined in [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping
There is a lag between label generation and it becoming active.

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How long has it been since you received the tracking info? it takes a bit to work.


Thanks. That’s exactly why I’m patiently waiting :slight_smile:

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