General info about shipment and manufacturing

You did not, nor have I said you did. But many others have, and to prevent any of that, and to be abundantly clear , I told you what the forwarder MIGHT do.

I wish now I had just shut my mouth and not said anything, cause apparently that one possible outcome is what you choose to focus on, totally dismissing the fact that we did already give the instructions for everyone we had gotten the info for, and that most likely the forwarder will just act on those and not wait, as every unit that stays in their warehouse in limbo is taking costly space. I was trying to be complete and thorough as I’ve always been on this forum, and now it’s biting me in the ass apparently.

It seems we’re damned if we don’t and damned if we do. :pensive:


Io ho ricevuto un seriale del tipo “CRxxxxxxxxxDE” (x sono numeri) e mi rimanderebbe a DHL.DE, ma ne li ne su altri siti di tracking viene riconosiuto… (e ormai son passate varie settimane)
Teniamoci aggiornati…

I recieved an incorrect number too…according to I have already recieved my PPX since 13th of May in Italy(Rome)…How is that possible since I live in Greece(Athens) and my backer_id is in the 3rd list?:crazy_face:
TWILIGHT ZONE!!! They’ve made it again…

From the DHL tracking FAQ:

When I track my international DHL Express shipments, why do I sometimes get information for a shipment that is not going to the intended destination?

DHL periodically recycles shipment waybill numbers for operational reasons. Occasionally this results in information being in our systems at the same time for two shipments travelling under the same waybill number. DHL is working hard to eliminate these occurrences however, in the meantime, please be assured that while this information may be confusing, your physical shipment will be heading to its correct destination and be receiving the same careful attention as every other shipment in our network.

Got my Max (List 3 - Batch Betty) today. Coming from Germany (Hessen). Could not test it yet, because I still have to work. But it could be a coincidence that I got off work an hour early today.
All waiting people, hold on. I keep my fingers crossed.


I have same issue. It’s more then 4 days still nothing

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I have a tracking number. When I follow it even using the DHL worldwide tracking site the number can’t be found. I waited a few days since I got the email to see if anything would update but nothing has changed.

Help is appreciated,


I got my PicoPixMax today. I am on List 3 - Batch Betty and live in the USA. Here is the timeline of shipping events. I’m not sure if it is a normal timeline but maybe something you can gauge when you may receive your PPM. Hopefully everyone will have there’s soon!

  1. May 20th - I received an email from Backerkit with a tracking number.
  2. May 20th - May 28th DHL tracking showed no information was available.
  3. May28th - First status update on DHL tracking site.
  4. June 3rd - PPM was delivered!
    So Total of 2 weeks from when I received the tracking number via backerkit and when it was delivered.


Some movements for France, I hope it will be at home tomorrow or Saturday :wink:


Thanks for sharing Frank! I have updated it as a May example in the [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping

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Since I dont have one yet, this is what I can come up with:

  1. Connect PPM to a Charger while you read the Quick Start Guide
  2. Turn it on and Pair AirMote with PPM
  3. Connect to Wi-Fi and update the PPM to the latest version (Or update firmware via offline method)
  4. Configure regional settings. Ensure that the date/time is displaying correctly updated
  5. Start using the PPM. Fall in love :heart: .


Can I ask if anyone in the UK has had any tracking info updated? I’m still getting the not found message but can see movement for other EU countries.



Movement happened for people who got the label on May 18th. People who got a label between May 20-30 are still waiting.

Currently it takes up to two weeks for the tracking number to become active. :sweat:

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Two weeks for tracking ? Imagine in today’s day and age ! Guess the lady will suddenly show up at our door


I’d say Saturday with luck or depending on where you live.
Here’s the timeline of another package I received yesterday and which followed the same path :

According to this I’m counting a transportation during 2 working days starting from laposte tracking, and delivery on the 3rd.


Same situation with my tracking number.
ID: 17698

When did the shipment process start for you?
Just to have an idea of when I should receive mine.
For me DHL says that order was transmetted electronicaly on May 31st.

Hi IvoG
My PPM in batch”AMY” shipping to VietNam
In May 30th I have a tracking number ( 2630223783) When I follow it even using the DHL worldwide tracking site the number can’t be found. I waited 4 days since I got the email to see if anything would update but nothing has changed.
Help me please

It’s write, on 18th mai.