General info about shipment and manufacturing

Its all chinese, Picopix is made in china :grin: its available off the shelf and I could get it tomorrow and return it next day if i didn’t like it. Its not the same but similar.


Ok, I see. Sorry for adding to the confusion. @Temidayo_Aransiola


There’s nothing supposed about that. That’s information staright from the DHL site. What’s next, you’ll accuse me of hacking the DHL site to write that? Like you’re calling us cheats now?


Hi Temidayo, we were busy in meetings this week, and didn’t have much time to communicate. I can’t share any new information on the shipment to Brazil, but I am very confident that it is proceeding as planned. In fact, one of our closest partners in China offered to take over responsibility for the shipments to Brazil and Saudi Arabia. So they picked up the products from our forwarder and arranged for shipment themselves. They are very reliable, and I’m confident you will have your products within the next two weeks.


I have not called you cheat, I have never come across this issue ordering online for years and years, yes its on the website but it seems to be very common with this project and very rare occurrence when using DHL for anything else. Why?

Ivo, be real, isn’t “estimated delivery November 2019” misleading? How many backers received working units in November 2019, well before any pandemic?

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Perhaps you should ask DHL that? I’ve seen this many, many times before in shipments that have absolutely nothing to do with the PPX. There’s nothing weird about it.

Just ignore that part about delivery in Milan and concentrate on the delivery of your package to you.


I hope that actually works. That method may explain the lack of tracking codes. I hope we get news next week as to if shipment happened or not.


I would love to concentrate on the delivery of the package to me. But the Milan delivery is all the information I get from the tracking code.

I have never seen this issue before and had items delivered by DHL quite frequently. I accept it exists but how frequent it occurs is another matter.

Hair dryer ? He he

Have you tried tracking your package here: Track & Trace? When you give your postal code, does it still say that your package was delivered in Milan almost two weeks before the label even was created?

Really, you mentioned earlier you aren’t spamming but here you are telling everyone in multiple threads to contact their credit card company to try and get a refund and you are skeptical about receiving a product that has gone out to thousands of people already and has finished production.

You had many chances to get a refund: before campaign ended, When it came out that some of the advertised features weren’t possible.

You either weren’t paying attention at that time and missed the opportunity or feel that there is something else you would rather spend your money on. You honestly sound like someone that bought a time share and is now trying to get out of it.

It’s crowd funding you may not have recieved the product to begin with, credit card companies I am fairly certain will not refund a crowd funding campaign. You will eventually get this product feel free to sell it once recieved.

We all see that you are trying to be annoying to get a refund and to be honest I hope they don’t cave. The project is done they are shipping out remaining units and it will come to you eventually.


Yea but philips is not a chinese company, and this projector is not even close to picopix in any terms.
I dont get it, what is stoping you from order one ? Go away and order it.


Hello Screeneo/Philips, on 30th of may I got an email with tracking details of my shipped Picopix Max.
The tracking code is in the format DHL- 2630******** but I always get errors when I try to search it on the DHL web site, even if I remove the “DHL-” part or if I search only the numbers, in any way I put it in the search part and I only get an error message! Does this mean that the Picopix Max has not really been shipped yet or maybe an error with the number send it to me?
Thank you for your time and for you kind answer!


Everyone who received tracking numbers on the 30th batch (myself included) is in the same situation, the tracking details are not yet active on the DHL site. It is just a waiting game at this point. FYI, you only use the number portion not the “DHL” when tracking. There are some details about this in the top banner of this community! Cheers.


Hi @Philips_Support_N

Shipping for Saudi Arabia was finally supposed to start a week ago.

What exactly is the situation now? We need more information. When can I expect the projector in Saudi Arabia? I received a non working tracking number on 30th.

Good to hear that you have received a tracking code. I think your situation is more or less the same as for everyone else who received a tracking code on 30th May. The code isn’t non-working, it’s not-yet-working. When your shipment starts moving, the tracking code will show progress.

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I’ve been trying to put something together, but unable to find time. For now you can start here:

I will try to put something together as soon as I can.

doesn’t work, there is nowhere to enter postal code

Yes, there is. Use the link I included in the post.

I also had a request to fill in my postal code to disambiguate between different packages sent with the same DHL tracking code. After I did that, I saw only information for my own shipment.

Maciej’s issue does not appear to be caused by missing that, though. I tested to input his tracking code at the same DHL site I had used, the one you linked. Then I input the postal code where his business is. (He gave his real name and company upthread, and only one person in the UK is a match.) Even after giving them his UK postal code, DHL still shows a result which has his data (his recipient name) mixed with data for the other package that is sent from one city to another within Italy.

If i input a different postal code, for example 12345 (a valid Swedish code) DHL correctly shows an error, so the postal code is checked by the site, it is not ignored.

Interesting bug. I can’t say with 100 % certainty whether to place the blame with incorrect tracking site program code, or with a problem in actual physical logistics.