General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi @Philips_Support_N,
“A Zendesk ticket” is the same as we received when we sent an email to support as instructed by Ivo or do we need to open a new one?

I am still waiting for a new delivery ID after my projector was sent back to the warehouse.

Thank you

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@PhilipsNono @Philips_Support_T @IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_3 @PhilipsNono @Philips_Support_T

At the end what everyone wants is a status update…the same as you did for the delivery, would be great to have a list with our ID and a status, I mean people here, included me, feels frustated, lost and forgotten by Phillips … 3 months to deliver something, I mean, by bicycle I could have deliver my whole country. It’s time for an update to calm everyone

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Hello steve,
ticket number is 24815.

I recieved a reply for the email I sent yesterday suggesting that the projector will be sent next week.

thanks for the help

@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_T
My ticket number is 24490 from the mail I sent 26-06-2020 to

After no response with DM (Ivo) and mail (
Today a weird response (after posting here) that I have to raise a ticket (again?) via Zendesk by using (what is Zendesk?)
I’m trying for the 2nd time here.
My 2nd, not delivered, projector.
Any idea when it will be sent?
We are now 7 weeks since the original delivery.

Yes, we deserve a list or something that indicates work is being done. I complained about shipping problems in June and was eventually given a ticket number on 2 July and got a request for a different shipping address on 11 July. Since then (over a month now) not a single reply to my inquires has any anything of substance. Just multiple statements that someone will “look into it”. A list that is regularly updated would both increase accountability from Philips and provide more clarity to those of us who feel that we have been overlooked and forgotten.

On this forum responses are only given to certain individuals and most of us just read daily asking ourselves “well what about me?”. Many of us have been calm, respectful, and more than patient. We are owed better. Really we just want to know our status. It shouldn’t take 6 weeks to look into something. Updating my ticket from “high” priority to “urgent” priority does nothing to make me feel that a resolution is around the corner. I’m also sure I’m not the only one that is in this predicament.

Ivo had been working relentlessly but his efforts aren’t enough. The sheer number of us waiting for simple updates reflect this. One man can’t solve this all apparently and a company as large as Philips should be able to put more effort and resources into resolutions to these issues.


If you already have a ticket, reply to the last email you got from us on that ticket; do not send an email with a fresh subject line as that will only create a new ticket, adding extra confusion, processing time, and ultimately frustration for all involved.

No ticket will be ignored, it may take a while but we are working on the problems, not just the tickets. And I personally don’t see the value in updating your ticket with a mere message saying “no update”.

We basically have 3 categories of fulfillment problems:

  • shipments still in transit; the projectors are physically on their way to you but taking longer than expected or stuck / lost somewhere along the road.
  • shipments we gave instructions for, but which never even left on their journey due to service outages, addressing issues, etc.
  • backers who despite all of our checks still don’t have a (proper quantity of) perk(s) underway or even in the pipeline. These include the “Forgotten” backers, 2nd units, one for the road extra units, etc.

When I say we are working on the problems, I mean that we are looking at all shipments still in transit for instance. That includes shipments on hold, returned to sender, lost, etc. Rather than wait for a ticket to be made by you, I took all these cases and sent them to the forwarder for investigation and feedback. Once the feedback comes we know then “okay, these 10 were lost, these 50 were returned to sender, these 40 still need to come back to the sender, and these 30 are still going to be delivered now”. (All numbers are just to illustrate my point). And then just like that we would have solutions for 130 cases in my example: 90 need to be reshipped from the sender’s warehouse, 30 are still expected to arrive, and 10 need to be shipped freshly from the factory.

Same sort of strategy is applied to all that we gave shipping instructions for that never shipped: we identify the roadblock for many and solve them all at once. For instance all shipments to South Africa at once, all to Kuwait, etc.

What you can help us with is by making sure you were as complete as you could be in your ticket correspondence.

To end on a positive note: I feel hopeful and positive due to the recent efforts made by the forwarder, the rest of our team, and the positive remarks we still get from our community. I love this community and this projector and am therefore doing my best for months now to help you all enjoy it as much as you can. I won’t be around the forum a lot but will stop by whenever I’m not knee deep in Excel sheets and Zendesk tickets. So if I don’t answer a PM or mention, know that it’s not personal, but that I’m just too busy to get back to you at that moment.



This forum is unuseful. Now we must take a ticket number. And wait for a month(s) for a reply. And wait for a month for Philips to ship the goods. And wait for the tracking number to active for a month. Then we can receive the PPM next year(or not). And we never know the status they are processing or processed. :skull_and_crossbones:

And it means they won’t process the issue according to the order placed of backers orders.


Hi @Philips_Support_T, @IvoGrijt, @Philips_Support_N,

I am not Melanie but Arthur.
I won’t do the zendesk thing ticket.
I am tired of asking and having no answer from any of you.
Sorry to say the thing like this but this is the truth.
It has been months of asking questions, editing tickets, writing on forum.
I have been more than patient.
You can find the projector in most of the website : Philips PicoPix Max : prix, avis et actualités - Les Numériques
I can’t understand what is the problem.

I made a resquest on
You have all my information ticket number : 24597.

I wait a rapid answer from your service.
If you can’t answer me or give me a status on my order, please proceed to a refund on the credit card used for the payment.



@IvoGrijt, personally, this is the kind of update I miss for all of us that keep waiting not knowing where our projectors are and seeing no progress for weeks or months. Knowing that someone is doing something about it gives us some hope.

You used to update the “news” section with this type of update and that does not happen anymore. That is now outdated. All that adds into our uncertainty and frustration. Seeing that those that are rude and threat with suing Philips get a response while those who are waiting patiently does not help either.

I know that you are working very long hours to get this solved. Nothing personal here. I do not mean to tell you how to do your job either. Just explaining to what, in my opinion, could help.


A post was split to a new topic: Zendesk response needed -

Hi @Philips_Support_T, @IvoGrijt, @Philips_Support_N,

I already posted the question to my ticket #24586 on Aug 8th., but No one responded.

IndieGoGo contribution ID: 18452
Contribution Date: November 17, 2019
Backerkit ID: 15785213
Batch: Laurent
Shipping address: MACAU (is near HK)

I was take an e-mail for tracking number on 23. JULY.
But that tracking number is still not working.

Please check this issue.

Thank you!!

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A post was split to a new topic: Replacement shipping update - Snir

Hi Guys,
please can I have an update my ticket 24744
I have heard nothing on this since Jul 15.
Tracking number CR071929425DE.
Now does not work with DHL
Indigogo contribution ID 12027


I was wondering what strategy is concluded for Kuwait shipping which remain unresolved at this time. No movement of tracking reference since May 30 here.


I received an email from Backerkit with the shipment number 6889341675 (DHL), on 13th of Aug 10:39 AM.
However I am not able to track this package till date. When I try to track the package the DHL website says “Sorry, your tracking attempt was not successful. Please check your tracking number. (404)”. Can you please check and do the needful?

My backerkit id is # 14350.
My Indiegogo contribution Id is # 21581.
I even raised a support ticket with number # 28146

you could use 17track, it works well with the tracking numbers.

or Philips has posted a host of ways to track your package here [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping

if you are in the EU it will take up to 2 weeks before you see any change in the package.

Hope this helps

To All Indian Backers :

We are frequently assessing the situation for shipments of products made in China into India, and as of today, we have had several confirmations that Indian customs will not permit Chinese products to enter the country. This could be linked to the tensions between the countries stemming from the recent border confrontations.

The test we made to send a product from Switzerland to India was successful, but only because customs did not realize that the product was produced in China. After internal discussion, we have decided it is too risky to attempt to send all backers their products in this manner. If the country of origin is discovered, the product might be confiscated.

We will keep you informed of developments as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Shipment update - asekaran82

Hello, yes indeed we received the tracking number and the shipping will start this week

@Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt any updates on my order? Contribution ID 21653, email request #25907. I replied to your email and provided my new delivery address over 2 weeks ago, but I haven’t heard anything back. The shipping address on backer kit is still unchanged. This is getting frustrating. Any idea what’s going on? Is it shipped or is it not? I do NOT want it shipped to the old address. I provided new address upon your request immediately but nth has been done.