General info about shipment and manufacturing

Your shipment was sent on august 13, and you want update by all means ?
It was sent three days ago.
There are a lot of backers whose sending has been blocked for several months !!
Please be patient, 3 days is nothing.

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I think you did not read my message properly. My shipment was sent on the 13th and usually it takes 2 days to appear in the courier tracking, and we have crossed those many days. And my worry is whether this is another goofed up by shipment Philips.

India-China conflict is not going to be solved any time soon. The ban may continue for another six month or an year for the worst case. So are you asking us to be patient and understanding till then?
This situation happened just two months back, what were you doing before that.
I still don’t get any answers why I got skipped when other Indian backers who backed months later received theirs.

More than a month ago, I have requested to send the projector to my relative who works in U. A. E, gave a window of 30 days and does the same request to two other manufacturers based in China. Guess what, one product received in 3 days, next one in 10 days and nothing happened with screenio.

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Where dit you see it usually take 2 days ?
Philips said one or two weeks, sometimes more…
Hope you’ll get your PM quickly, but if I were you, I wouldn’t be surprised at such a short delay, considering all those allready noticed and suffered by the backers

@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N
please can I have an update my ticket 24744


Best way is to send from a different origin for example Switzerland or a europeon warehouse but I see it’s already tried.

There are PPMs everywhere, but not at my home🤣
Is Philips kidding all the backers?

When would you update Taiwan shipments?
There is no reply from Zendesk. Ticket No: 28574😕

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Hi @IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_T @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N

We are now seeing the “one for the road” backers getting tracking numbers. We are seeing PPMs being sold on Amazon. We are seeing units being received, returned, and replaced… But original backers are still waiting almost a year after ordering.

Ivo mentioned that a solution had been found for the ROW backers and that all South African shipments were now being made together.

The PPMs can be sent from Hong Kong to South Africa… one backer (@ctguy) received his. The rest of us are completely in the dark.

PLEASE can you provide some kind of update.


@Philips_Support_T @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N Care to comment about Kuwait shipping?

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I am one of the guys waiting for the ”one for the road”, and I AM confused by the fact that I already received a tracking number although there are still lots of backers waiting for the first device.



Please are there any updates on this?

Kind Regards

Hi guys, we are trying to communicate more with you all, and even though I may not have the information I wanted to share with you yet, it’s better to tell you all anyways.

  • Shipments in EU that have not been delivered and are either with DHL still or have been returned to sender:
    These are still being investigated by our forwarder. What’s sad is that despite us telling them we have issues with these, like on a sheet of 101 tracking labels that were returned to sender or duplicate tracking numbers, they just came back with “answers” indicating that 100 were “delivered successfully”, and that only 1 potentially had a real issue. I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Instead I called our representative in China, Betty, and explained to her why these results of being “delivered successfully” did not apply to our shipments in most cases but to the previous use of that tracking number! So now the reused tracking numbers were even wreaking havoc in their own systems, and they still were failing to see that. I sent Betty the list again, this time complete with clickable links directly to the tracking page of DHL DE where in fact they have to input a postal code because the site itself said

Several items are attributed to this shipment number . Please limit your search by entering the recipient’s postal code.

So tomorrow she will have the forwarder come to her office and they’re going to go through the list one by one until they realize the magnitude of their mistake. Which will hopefully lead to them taking the proper steps to rectify the situation.

  • EU shipments returned to the German warehouse:
    I sent a list of addresses I had confirmed by the backers through their tickets (thanks for that!) to the forwarder asking them to please resend those. Instead of them starting that process after me telling them at least three times since that that was what they should do, all I got back was another “results” sheet, saying they were successfully delivered! “TO YOU GUYS” I cried out loud, but just wrote them again asking them to please just resend them. No action yet as far as I know after a full 10 days.

  • Exotic countries: we are still looking at other shipping methods, but we are very careful, as we don’t want the shipments to fail and have to retry multiple ways like happened with the Russian deliveries.

  • Ticket response: I now have 2200 tickets assigned to me that are about this campaign’s logistics, ranging from “what’s my Backerkit ID?” to “when will you ship” to “the tracking number is not working”. This last one has again resurfaced in a new fresh batch of tickets as we got tracking labels for a new shipment and uploaded these to Backerkit, lots of people who aren’t on the forum or never read the FAQ regarding the shipping expecting their tracking to go live as soon as they got it or within two days.
    So as I can’t handle all of these tickets by myself, I now have another colleague helping me with these, besides his regular technical support tickets, so not 100% of his time. We decided to also look at the shipping issues from the fulfillment side, as the tickets may have duplicate issues and some may have been solved already by a successful shipment or by no longer being relevant. But we have to still go through them all to find the ones that matter most and are still open. On Monday I worked for 18 out of 25 hours on these issues and slept about 2 in total. So you are important to us and we are doing our outmost best to handle these cases, in which even our forwarder who’s supposed to be an expert can’t seem to figure out what’s happening. It’s all not rocket science perhaps, but we can’t just open a can of people to answer these as ultimately the real solutions still have to come from the forwarder.

Positive from all of this since last week is that we are making progress, it’s not a standstill even though the outcome for you guys is still the same as in no projector coming your way yet. We are making progress and will soon have solid answers for you, I’m just reluctant to predict what or when as I’ve been proven wrong by factors beyond my control before.



Thanks a lot Ivo,
I am one of those “returned to the warehouse”. While I am not happy with the situation I appreciate that you took the time to update us. I am sure this kind of updates will reduce many emails and forum posts asking about each of our shipments. Please, continue keeping us updated and thanks for the hard work on your side.

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Nothing about Indian backers again. So shipping ban continues to another year. What’s the plan? Do we have to wait till then?
@Philips_Support_T @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt

How do you propose for us to deal with this?

Our projectors are made in China, you live in India.
The option you asked us about to ship to a relative in the UAE had a time window we could not guarantee at the time, if there ever is another such opportunity we could evaluate that again and see what the options are then.

But for now we don’t have any options to ship to India really. It’s not even a matter of who will ship it or where from, if it has to go through customs as declared goods, there’s a high risk that it will not be allowed through and will either be returned or destroyed.

So if you’re not willing to wait it out, then by all means reply to your ticket indicating you want a refund, and I’ll make sure it gets to the person who can handle the refund for you.

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It’s already over 8 months.(Contribution Date is November 17, 2019) but i have nothing. every post & email just reply “We have tried our best to find ways to ship your perk to you.”

Post Code: MACAU, 853
Tracking Number: DHL – 2630239721 (23-July)
IndieGoGo contribution ID: 18452
Contribution Date: November 17, 2019
Backerkit ID: 15785213
Ticket ID: #24586

I have lived in Thailand ID 14552 until now, the tracking number is not working at all. In conclusion, is it shipped here? Why there is no progress at all?


We are happy to say that we have just received our projector … and even though at times we were particularly upset due to the lack of feedback following the loss of our DHL shipment 4 months ago … today we can say that we are very happy to finally have the projector in our hands and that it is a piece of art!

We are already using it in presentations and our executives are particularly happy with the quality of the product.

For everybody else who is also in the pipeline to receive a projector, we can finally say that, this projector is worth it, and that Ivo’s promises that he will get those delayed projectors finally to all of us, is indeed a true promise, as proven in our case.

As we read from Ivo’s quote below, they are indeed making progress, and with some patience we hope that soon everybody else here will enjoy this great projector too, as we do.

Thank you @IvoGrijt and from our side this may be the last time we visit this forum - and if we do again, it would not be to complain :wink:

Warmest Regards


@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_T:

This feedback that you have that “Indian customs will not permit Chinese products to enter the country” is wrong. There is no such Government instruction and Airports/Ports across the country are clearing goods made in China on a daily basis. There is only a recent restriction imposed on import of colour television sets (not only from China but from any country). This restriction does not apply to projectors.
There was a hiatus in clearance for a while from the end of June till middle of July when there were tensions between the two countries, but after mid-July, Customs clearances have been done and I know of instances of the same Philips projectors being cleared from Delhi and Kolkata from July 11th onwards. So please do start shipping to Indian backers and tell the forwarders or whoever is giving you this feedback to get their facts straight.
Btw my ticket number is 24573 and I have sent nine polite reminders to but have not received any feedback so far. Please give me an update on this.
Thank you.