I have a USB key with movies. I have a Screeneo U4, and the videos can be read without any problem. With the same USB key on Screeneo U5, I get an error “Sandisk USB drive is corrupt”. It is porposed to secure format the key - loosing all data. I backed up the file on a computer, then did this formatting. It completed normally. Howver, when I connect the USB key to the computer, it says the USB needs to be formatted…
Why does U5 needs to “secure format”?
Why can’t U5 read a key that can be read by U4?
Why can’t the key be read by acomputer after this "secure format?
I could narrow down the issue. Unlike the U4, it seems the U5 does not support USB devices formatted as EXFAT, only as FAT 32. This is quite disappointing: FAT32 is a thig from the past, and files greater than 4GB cannot be handled. It’s also a bit strange to see the newer U5 being more limited than the U4.
Any way of addressing this through a software update?
Let me add some details, sorry the previous posts were not exactly clear. Prepare a good coffee before running the steps below, these take some time. The 2 key takeaways:
The initial formatting of a USB key as applied by the U5 (steps 3 to 6) seems to cause a mess. Why not lunching the format process that properly works (step 9) from the notification?
The format process does format the key in FAT32 format. This format is not adapted for multimedia use, as it does not support files that are larger than 4 GB - say ggodbye to any 4K video, while 4K is a key reason for getting the U5. The U4 is able to handle EXFAT, it is quite disappointing that U5 has regressed on this aspect. Can this be addressed?
The steps:
Take a USB key and format it in EXFAT format and put a movie on it, with a size of more than 4 GB
Insert the key in an U4 device => the USB is read and the movie can be played - no problem
Insert the same USB key in a U5. You will see there is a notification (a “1” appearing in the top right corner of the screen). Open it. The notification is “Issue with the USB drive - the USB drive is corrupt. Select to Fix”. Click on OK to open the message.
You get to a screen “USB drive Connected”, with 3 options: Browse / set up as device storage / eject". Take “Set up as device storage”.
Next screen is “Format as Device Storage”. Take “Format”. Note that the formatting erases the content of the USB key. The formatting takes ± 1 minute
Once completed, the next screen is “Move data to USB drive”. Take “move later”. And that’s it, the USB key is now ready to operate on the U5. Let’s try to put content on it.
Put the USB into your laptop. As soon as plugged in, this error message pops up: the USB needs to be formatted before it can be used
And you should also see in your file explorer that the USB appears now under to Letters, e.g. G: and H:
Eject the USB device and put it back into the U5. In file commander, it does not even appear. No way to use it! But then, go into Homes > Settings > Device Preferences > Storage . The USB dive is actually listed 3*: once with the total space available, and twice as not connected. Move to the entry that shows the space available and click on OK.
Take the third entry in the list is “Erase and Format as removable storage”
Take the third entry “Format”. It goes very fast, and you get a message that the USB key can be removed. Remove it and plug it back in your laptop
I directly get an error message that there is an error on the USB key, click here to fix it. Take the option to fix.
Progress: now the USB key appears under 1 single letter (unlike step 7). A set of folders are on the key (Alarms, Audio Books, Movies, etc.).
Copy 1 movie of less than 4 GB onto the key => it goes OK
Copy 1 file of more than 4 GB onto the key, e.g. the same one from step 1 than could be read by the U4 using EXFAT formatted key => it does not work: an error message says that the file is too large for the destination file system. That’s because the U5 formatted the key in FAT32 format.
Note that now, you can eject the USB, put it back in the U5, and the file with less than 4GB can be read.