Please can you publish a list of all known issue with the picomax, can you also then show what is being worked on to be fixed, what isn’t being worked on and what will never be fixed.
This will be very helpful to understand if I should ask for a refund or if I should stick with it.
I think the known issues (with workarounds) could go in its own sub-category directly under PicoPix Max and not under Technical Topics as they might not all be purely technical? Does that make sense @Philips_Support_P ? It’s not a perfect fit for the Knowledge base sub-category either I think.
The Knowledge Base is the perfect fit for this kind of information, as I hope to make it the first reference point for people to check for any issues. The other forums are more for discussions.
Known issues and workarounds will typically fall under one of How-To / Troubleshooting / Good-to-know. I’m slowly adding those topics to the KB section as and when I get time.
I see how you mean, but that would mean that the user who is having a new issue not currently listed in the Knowledge base will have to post somewhere else first (which might be the Technical topics for instance) and then the relevant entry is added to the Knowledge base. That can definitely work. If a new user isn’t browning through the KB first but goes straight to creating a new topic with the issue then we can point the user to the KB.
Yes this is what I’m doing… posts in Technical Topics that have a corresponding KB article will be referred to it. New issues, once mature info is available, will be ‘graduated’ to the KB section.
I think the existence of an entire section for Known Issues or Bugs List spreads negativity. Knowledge Base is more neutral.
I’ll go for that. I’m looking at it from a pure information/engineering point of view with no interest in making Screeneo look bad. I think more companies should adopt a more open strategy but of course it might scare management that you have a bunch of people voicing their opinions in an open forum.
In this particular case I think it’s fair to say that this forum deals with something that isn’t a finished product (yet) and the known issues (as listed in the Knowledge base) backs that up. The list would help prioritize engineering efforts where it helps the most, it removes most of the guesswork of which fix(es) should be prioritized.
The knowledge base is looking thin on content regarding knows issue, I’m might be incorrect as I probably don’t have the same total view but please keep it as upto date a possible.
Yes my opinion is changing towards maintaining a Known Issues list at least temporarily, since we’re getting many repeated questions. The mid-term solution is of course to put all this info on Philips official webpage.
If there’s any topics on the forum that you’d like to see inside the Knowledge Base section, please feel free to ping me and suggest it.
My original ask was for a known issue list, if this happens with a fix using your new feature then I’m realy happy as it will be the got to list when I get my max.