Menu Problem with PicoPix PPX2480

Hi at all.

Have an older PicoPix PPX2480 witch was not in use for some years !! Wanted to reactivate an charged the Batterie with success!!
NOW… Projector can be switched on normal … everything starts fine,… LED with Philips Sign appears …. But a few seconds later, Projector Light darkens ( but still on ) and then … NO MORE FUNCTION !!!
MAIN MENU doesn’t APPEAR !!!
Projector seams like in Pause or so … Batterie Full, Projektor works, Fan is running, LED works , but as said “darkened”

Can Switch on and off, Shiny Philip Sign appears every time ,……. But then … same procedure:-(((((

Does anyone has an idea :bulb:???

Just …MENU IS MISSING :-((((


I have the exact same problem!!
Did you succeed?

Hello! I have the same problem too… I can’t do anything (reset to restore to factory settings) since I can’t acess to the menu…




Still waiting for some help… thanks