after struggling with the Netflix app, because scrolling to right was not working, I deinstalled and installed the app.
Now the screen is 90 degrees flipped.
another thing: why are there two version of each app in AptoideTV to download? which version is the right one?
many thanks
connect the USB Stick with the PicoPix and open the “Media Center” App in the PicoPix.
install the downloaded App (you’ll find it in “FILES” on your USB Device
Then it should work. DO NEVER EVER UPDATE THE NETFLIX UPDATE AGIN. Probably no other app either.
For the Scrolling issue in the Netflix surface:
try to pair the air remote, It is not a good handling and solution, but least it helps sometimes.
Hard to understand why there there is still no better Netflix app or working update available
I really like the resolution quality of the Pico, but the handling and scrolling, login for apps (password and username entering) is a really annoying. That is the biggest issue for me. Problaby I’m too spoiled with Apple devices like apple TV.
Same here - feels like and less things are working with each update, I thought it was supposed to get better over time?
More seriously, I have now 2 netflixes, neither are working anymore (1 flipped the other cannot connect). Youtube works fine (errh, 1 of the 2 youtubes). Tried streaming netflix from both my iphone (11) & ipad, both cases I have an error.
The biggest problem is really that my popcorn is now cold and all softened and I couldn’t watch my netflix movie…
Any simple fix us common mortals can use without getting a phd in computer engineering (or installing a random piece of code from a random person on the internet)?