Hi, Contributor ID #7836 from Canada here. I’m not sure if there was an error made somewhere but I have no record of a BackerKit survey being sent, no shipment/tracking info, nothing since the initial Indiegogo contribution. Please send me an update as soon as possible, thanks!
Hello Jay,
Have you contacted Philips with this issue until now? You can do so on hello@picopix.com as indicated in this thread PicoPix Max FAQ . I saw similar cases before where the survey from backerkit was not sent for some reason, but Philips managed to remedy the situation. Let them know and they’ll will help you.
if your ID is 7836 i think is quite early to have a tracking number, probably you have to wait the end of CNY.
Hold still!
Hi, this is my first attempt at contacting any one about this. For most campaigns I usually receive some sort of backer survey or BackerKit link to complete; but I don’t recall receiving anything from Philips PicoPix Max. I even searched my inbox and nothing so I’m worried I was never contacted. I’ve just sent an email to hello@picopix.com so hopefully they respond. I’m not so worried about getting the shipment on time, I’m more worried I’ve been left off of the fulfillment list!
Please open an account in the link below if you still do not have a backerkit account, you can check if your address and your order is in place once you are able to sign in.
Contributor ID #7836 (not sure about my BackerKit #) from Canada here. I haven’t been monitoring this shipment situation since COVID-19 but I still have yet to receive my projector.
I requested and completed my BackerKit survey in early February. I just checked my account there and it’s showing a DHL tracking number but DHL does not recognize it as a valid number. I’ve tried talking to a human at DHL and they’re telling me it’s a wrong number.
I’ll be moving soon, and I’d just like to know if there’s just some ridiculous delay/issue with this tracking number, if it’s an old/wrong tracking number, if my package got stolen, etc.