Order update please?

How long does shipping take, I ordered mine on the 26th of January? I’m in the UK

I’ve not recieved any correspondence since.

You sent a payment on the January 26th, 2020?

There’s a sizable backlog of projectors that still need to be built and shipped to people that sent a payment in 2019. So definitely hang on and be pretty patient, as there’s no inventory on shelves waiting to go out. Manufacturing will resume on February 8th after Chinese New Year concludes: New shipments after cny

I’m just guessing here, but with some luck you’ll have yours on its way in a month’s time.

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About 4000 ppm have been shipped.
10000 ppm over 14000 ppm (backers) needs to be make.
After chinese new year holidays, they plan to build about 2000ppm per week.
It means it would require 10000/2000 = 5 weeks to build all ppm
Then add about 1-2w with shipping (custom clearance and transport delays).
So 7 week for all meaning you would receive it on mid-march or end of march as you bought it recently.

what’s gonna happen due to the virus outbreak? Is there any delay involved in this and was there a statement from Phillips or anyone from PicoPix?

There cannot be a statement from Philips, at most one from Screeneo.
This subject was already addressed in this forum, although it was before the World Health Organization declared the virus outbreak as an international emergency.

See here: Search results for 'virus topic:2021' - Philips Projection

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I just want a refund… how do I get a refund…

@Holden Unfortunately the campaign stopped issuing refunds around March 11.
Please go through the News section on the top right of this forum for latest on your backing.

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I’ve been asking for refunds for ages… this is a disgrace!!!

I sent an email in February and March asking for a refund…i will be getting my money back…

Your unit has already been shipped and will be with you by the end of this or next week at the latest if all goes well.

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