Hi there does anyone know if the unit can be mounted upside down or sideways
Yes to mount upside down, no to sideways
You can mount it sideways, but you’d have to watch it sideways!
If you mount it sideways, you should disable the automatic keystone correction. It works using an automatic level sensor, and when sideways might keep trying to adjust for a level that isn’t there.
Perhaps an app like Set Orientation can be used to force the PPM (or at least the apps you use on it) to change the orientation to match the side you turned it to.
Be aware though that the cooling and heat distribution might not have been calculated for sideways mounting, I don’t know if it might cause problems or not but at least something you might want to think about.
We don’t recommend mounting it sideways because the air vents are on the sides. If you do it, make sure the left vent is on the top since warm air comes out from there.
Mounting it upside down (hanging from the ceiling) is supported (but not putting it on a table such that its weight falls on the touchpad side). Mounting it at any up/down angle from -90° to +90° is supported. Putting it on its rear side so it projects up on the ceiling is also supported.