PPX620 Fell from desk, Verticle lines, No display after reboot.

Hey there!

I’ve been enjoying this projector for a few years,
and have fired it up on a sick day to watch some movies.

I managed to knock the unit off a desk onto carpet flooring which made the image have around 4-5 thick red/pink vertical lines.

After rebooting it, there’s no image being shown.
The unit powers on, fans work, and the autofocus does engage when moved.

Since purchasing this in 2019, I understand im far past warranty.
Is there a fix anyone knows of? or a part I have to replace?

Thank you.

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Once had an ipad (of a friend) that only showed red after a fall. The advice on the interwebz: drop it again (not too hard). The result: it was fixed! No guarantees though :smile: I like to call it the Fonzie method :wink:

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