Problem with Netflix

I kind of wish we had info regarding non-native Netflix integration during the campaign. I might be wrong but this seems to have only come to light much later on.

@Philips_Support_P - do we have some kind of assurance from Philips regarding software support for this unit for the coming years due to the use of custom Netflix (and possibly other) apps? How many years can we expect?
Is Netflix the only non-native/custom app currently in use on the PicoPix Max or are there others we may need to worry about?

What happens when the custom apps stop working and Philips no longer provides updates (a common problem on some older model smart TVs for example)?


Depends for how long the product is retailed for, plus 12mths would be my minimum expectation.

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It’d be great to learn how Philips engineers are patching the APKs, then our community could handle that in case Philips ever gets bored with doing that for us :smiley:

EDIT: Nevermind, it’s not a secret. A quick google reveals patchers: GitHub - jonas-coded/netflix_hd_patch: Patched Netflix App for Android enabling Widevine L1 allowing not certified devices to play HD


Nice find. I’ve starred that one. :slight_smile:


hello from germanyâœŒđŸŒ,
our VAT has been reduced. Netflix will inform me about this and about the new price. This is shown at the top. I am logged in, but can no longer change my profile, scroll in the menu or select a film / series.

Pics please!

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It is funny how many of the backers are so happy to get their PPM, but do not read the guides published here on what to do and what not to do when one is setting-up her/his PPM.


It’s funny, because like 90% of the people, when I receive a new product, I never ever read the manual.
But for this time, because I didn’t get yet my PPM, I got all the time to read the entire forum :nerd_face::smile:

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So does this mean netflix wont work at all right now? I just started up my pico for the first time and it’s just saying the its not supported by the device. Is there any other option?

If you are using the preinstalled Netflix app, without updating it, it will work. Or at least this is what Screeneo team is recommending and this is what most of the users are reporting (me included).
I am using it like this since about 2 weeks without any problems.

it’s funny how others judge without knowing anything. I have read the instructions. I have not updated netflix! I have attached a video that apparently was not uploaded. will take pictures tonight but you can see it better on the video.

Wie sieht es bei dir aus? Du mĂŒsstest doch auch die Anzeige bekommen wenn du aus Berlin kommst. Ich kann ĂŒber die Pfeile (was ja sowieso nicht gehen soll jedoch manchmal funktioniert) weder ĂŒber die Fernbedienung navigieren. Wenn man oben links das Verzeichnis öffnet wo normalerweise dann die Auswahl der Benutze usw ist habe ich nur eine begrenzte Auswahl. Den Banner wegen dem neuen Preis kann ich leider nicht entfernen.

Just as funny as people reacting to responses sent to other users, thinking it was meant for them :wink:
</ passive aggressiveness>

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Eigentlich nicht. Schaue tÀglich was auf Netflix, trotzdem habe ich die MwSt. Anzeige noch nicht gesehen/bekommen.

What if I already updated it?

It has resolved itself. The banner is now gone. However, it would be great if there was a solution for this if netflix shows a message again. Here are a few pictures from the video.



@IvoGrijt I am not able to install the netflix app from the placeholder on the home screen. I uninstalled it, then the icon changed on the homescreen and is showing with a little box and a star in the corner, but when I click options side menu it just gives me the option to Open
and nothing.
Am I doing something wrong or I’ll need to do a factory reset? :slight_smile:

Just open it then, what are you waiting for? :roll_eyes:
