To Technical team,
The remote top right corner button about the mouse cursor, i click via switch on at home screen. But it doesn’t appear the mouse cursor for netvigate. Please help. Thanks!
To Technical team,
The remote top right corner button about the mouse cursor, i click via switch on at home screen. But it doesn’t appear the mouse cursor for netvigate. Please help. Thanks!
have you done the bluetooth pairing with the remote?
The remote can response other function like power on off, home, volume, directions, return…
just the mouse function no response. Is it paired?
you will need the bluetooth pairing to make the cursor work.
pairing instructions from the indiegogo update
Indeed the bluetooth pairing will fix your issue:)
It works! Thank you!
When the easy start wizard thingy is complete this question will hopefully pop up a lot less. I understand the confusion when the remote “sort of” works. LG and others have done similar things due to the standby energy directives, only power-on command is sent over IR, imagine the confusion when the remote turns the TV on but nothing else… From a consumer perspective it’s complete bonkers but makes sense from a tech perspective
Brilliant!! it sorted the missing cursor.
I have a issue with mouse too. It is working but I can do nothing with it. I can not even choose and turn on the app on main screen. I tried the web browser and it is the same. OK button does not work when mouse cursor is on:(
When you use the cursor, the pointer button (the one you turn the mouse functionality on with) is the click button. The OK button is still the OK function, but only on what has the focus at that moment, not where the pointer is pointing at.
It works:) thanks a lot.
Could anyone tell me the name that pops up to add the pointer in bluetooth please? I live in a congested area and I only see a few obvious things that aren’t the pointer and a bunch of mac addresses. Does it actually say “picopix max pointer” or something like that? Thank you
It’s called Philips Airmote
Thank you! A bit of a learning curve with this new toy!
actually, if you turn on BT and unpair the remote, the remote will send IR for every button. i did this so i can send the commands from a broadlink IR remote (with home assistant)