Remove the bloated battery

How and where to ask for a new battery?
My PPM is expanding (not too much for now) but I prefer to change it as soon as possible…

please send us an email at

OK, Sent

I received the answer…

"Unfortunately, we do not sell the battery. I must ask you to contact a local battery supplier, and tell them the specifications.

You can find the specifications on the last page of the manual, within the appendix:…"

What does it means??? Did you said tha Philips PROVVIDE FREE batteries for replacement???

sorry about this, the agent didn’t know about it and we just briefed him.
They will answer you.

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My gosh… ! Free battery but shipping will be 68.94 Eur! The Philips guys like to play!!!
At that price I’ll buy a new battery without shipping cost…
No thanks and No thanks to other Philips products…

Hello, yes indeed we need to ask for the shipping via UPS. As this is as lithium battery, not many courrier can accept it.

Whst exactly are the battery specification then ?

Can you guys release one video for MaxTV on how to change the battery as well?
I am likely facing a battery issue (unable to load pass the white opening screen 90% of the time, blinking red/ blue light once plugged in and switches off once it’s unplugged)

May I also have the exact specifications of the battery apart from just 21000mah lithium battery?
I am worried that it will not be the exact fit if I purchase one online and it will be a fuss to return.
It will be nice as well if I can have a link to where I can order a replacement battery myself.

The device is fantastic and I love it, but the battery is not acceptable if it’s dead within 1.5 years (the projector cost more than 800 EUR) and the local Philips support has informed me it will be quite expensive to repair this issue.


I am facing a similar issue and I even cannot get pass the opening white screen, so annoying…as my projector (Picopix PP720) is just 1.5 years old.

Same issue with mine. I did find the video that allowed me to remove the battery, but can not seem to find a replacement anywhere. I even went to batteries plus and tother specialty houses with no luck…Philips Please help us find the batteries if you can. @Philips_Support_N

Hello, I have a PPX620 with a broken lamp and damaged touchpad cable. But the battery looks good. The lower part of the plastic body (where the tripod screw is) is also undamaged on mine. Maybe it would be possible to share some parts one way or the other and try to fix it. Of course, for some money. What region are you from?
Me from Central Europe (Czech Republic)

thanks so much for this post.

my indiegogo picopix had 3-4 dead pixels and i sold it, buying a new one from amazon in jan 2023.

today i just noticed that the amazon picopix battery was bloated (projector stopped being flat on the furniture) so following this tutorial + the official video ( i removed the battery.

in this process i also covered the LED transparent plastic with black duck tape to cover the police siren LEDs.
while i see others want new batteries, mine stayed 24/7 plugged (i know, wrong) for almost 2 years (2-6h usage DAILY)

thanks for the tutorial and long live our projectors!

I have a Qumi Z1H and its plugged in for more than 6 y now and still works fine. A year ago i cleaned it ( took it apart) and the lipo battery still has the same shape and nno signs of bloating. So it could be bad battery management ór just the high temperature inside the projector. But honestly i do not think of a bad battery management system. The battery is huge compared the size of the projector. ( Would be better if they ysed li ion batteries ( still more bulky and bigger but more durable). So the heat is the problem. I have my Picopix max one, using it occasionally and no sign of bloated batterie. But you must know, these projectors are not designed for 6hrs use a day. Only 1-2hrs at a time otherwise becoming too hott. I own a Hitachi projector with HLD-led source ( Philips invention) and has 7 fans and 3 heatpipes inside. Can operate 24hrs/7 days a week. But weighting 15 kg and is much bigger. Sorry for the very long explanation. They are compact projectors, not a powerhouse

Hi all,

I have been using the projector for almost 5 years so far, without any big issue. In the past weeks I started to notice the battery to start become bloated so without any hesitation, I came directly to this post and after several hours of reading, I decided to send an email directly to the account suggested for support:

Today, I received the email from them stating: "Regarding your question, we regret to inform you that we are unfortunately not able to send in a replacement battery, since the model itself has been discontinued we would not have any compatible ones available and or left in reserve.

We recommend contacting any repair service near you and have them replace the battery for you."

This is absolutely unacceptable, I know I am already out of warranty, I don’t ask for any free stuff, but not providing solutions to my problem is 100% not acceptable at all.

  1. where can I find a battery replacement?
  2. if not availabe, does it work without it? is it safe to do that?
  3. if it’s discontinued, why do we still see the product being sold in official stores such as FNAC and MEDIAMARKET? What do you tell to those “new potential customers”?

This has been by far one of the worst post sale experience I have faced for a product has been wonderful so far! Please don’t let me down and give me a solution to a product is still working fine (unsafe though).