Review by the gadgeteer


Philips PicoPix Max 1080p mobile projector review – The Gadgeteer

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We all know the software is a mess. No news there. The great thing about that though is that it’s all fixable with updates. The image quality is decent and a usable feature set is there in the hardware, it just needs a complete OS overhaul. That’s all, haha.

I’d like to see the OPTION to use a much more locked down clean OS with just the basics all working, Netflix, prime, YouTube, Plex… that sort of stuff, like what you’d find on a PlayStation or a smart TV from a couple of years ago. And if you want the wild west Android experience, you can choose that. A dual boot setup perhaps.


I just humored myself and read the review. I lost all trust in the reviewer’s skills when he talked about

After that I couldn’t take the rest seriously anymore.


I had the same feeling while reading this.

Comparing it to its “BenQ 4k” is also nonsense.
And we also don’t know if he updated to the latest software where image colors are improved.

My remote works the same way. Must be pointed directly at the back of the projector. It does not work pointed from the side or in front. Also, does not work when pointed to the right, left or above the projector.
Are you saying that it should work that way?

No, once it’s on (only possible via Infrared port on the back) you should also be able to use it without pointing at the back, provided you’ve paired the AirRemote using these instructions:

You should pair your remote via bluetooth

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FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 12:27 PM

Hi Naufel,
The specs and use cases I included in my review are from the information provided with the projector. I will try the Bluetooth method with the remote.

I don’t see anything wrong with his review, if Phillips screeneo fails to provide proper user guides then that’s on them, It’s not the job for the user or reviewer to jump through hoops and investigate how to pair that remote, if the instructions are not there then that’s how he should review it, as it is,
The bad review on the airmote stands.


I am quite sure the instructions that came with the PPMax did mention about pairing the AirMote. I guess some folks just don’t bother.

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I don’t think it’s there. IIRC, the included quick guide even mentioned/showed about the easy setup but until now it’s not implemented yet. It is indeed a fault of Philips but the review of the airmote has to be updated since it’s been brought up already.


OK. I Googled and found the Quick Start Guide.

It does have a small pictorial but not very clear as it doesn’t specifically say Bluetooth pairing.


This Easy Setup is actually my responsibility, but as it is, a lot of my time is taken up right now in doing customer support on the forums / answering tech issues for the helpdesk agents / checking individual user’s cases when they ask me for help, etc., all of which is unplanned. Hopefully this week the Easy Setup will be ready.


Let us know if you need help… I might be able to spend some time over the weekend.

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Is it possible tu run this easy set up process without completely resetting the PPM ?
If yes, I think the beta testers could help :+1:.
If no, well… maybe the most hardcore ones could also :upside_down_face:.

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Yes it’s just an app you can run any time. Actually only the Bluetooth pairing is pending, the rest is finished.

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Hello @Philips_Support_P, now is may first, one month and half passed but still no news of this app or some other easy pairing implementation in the firmware…any update?

my best

Hi @Mario because of problems with the BT5 chip the EasySetup app is still blocked. We are hoping it to be available in mid-May after v1.1.0 and some other high-priority issues are done.


I think BT5 is overrated and overhyped. My friend’s S8 still have problems with its BT5 LOL

I don’t think you’re right, I use BT5 in building products with my start up, it work great!

Hi @Philips_Support_P I can understand technical problems, but it’s sad to see that one months and half you told here “YES, Yes it’s just an app you can run any time. Actually only the Bluetooth pairing is pending, the rest is finished” did you sold the bear skin before his death? ;°)