DHL/Blue Dart sucks…The DHL CS says it is with Blue Dart and Blue Dart CS contact is not working. the estimated delivery date is June 22nd and status is at Blue Dart is “Delay Caused Beyond Control”. it’s been in the city for 3 days and not sure when it will be delivered.
I was about to ask you today. I requested for a call before they reach my office, so I can travel and be there, it takes at least 1 hour for me from home.
Spoke with DHL today. They were helpful and checked the documents I uploaded once and cleared it. Looks like they had the wrong phone number on the record and were trying to reach me in the wrong number.
They promised there is no next step needed from me and will start the delivery process. Fingers crossed!
can you give me DHL no
A post was merged into an existing topic: “Forgotten” Backers
Have received mine and will post my initial impression tomorrow.
moved it here from Forgotten Backers thread, unless you did it specifically for sadistic pleasure.
Did i move it? Haha i didn’t mean to.
you posted in that thread, i moved it
Out of excitement i posted but didn’t see where i was posting i guess
How is it?
where are you based? Chennai?
hey buddy you there?
Sure. Ask him to dm me
will do.His name is gopinath mani @Gopinathan_Mani Hey you can talk to shutterdragon here.He will guide you
great to know you got it already! mine is still stuck at customs.
Did you have to pay any customs duty? You can reply me at please
Yes paid around 7k got sms then paid.
My impression. Love it. Have some issues will post all details later.