@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N
Have you found a way to ship to remaining Indian backers? It’s been months and no updates. Or are you only focusing on Europeans and don’t care about the rest?
@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N
Have you found a way to ship to remaining Indian backers? It’s been months and no updates. Or are you only focusing on Europeans and don’t care about the rest?
Nono is testing to see if the products can be sent from Europe.
Thanks @Philips_Support_N for the info. I hope this works out.
Hello any news is anything sorted for India?..I’m 13365 / Betty list 3 backed on 30 Sep 2019 still waiting no tracking number yet
Any updates on this?
@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt
Still waiting in Delhi . Have other Delhi backers received their Pico ? I am 15958.
@Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N
Why am I not getting my projector even though other fellow Indian backers who have purchased months after me have already received their’s? . Please give me a valid reason.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Item still not yet received - msarma
Hi, I have the same exact issue. I bought mine around October and my address has been locked for months, but there has been absolutely no movement or updates. Not to mention, we have to deal with the additional issues with customs once it does come. Something that was suppose to take couple of months has now taken almost an year. And I have seen very little accountability from Philips on this. A lot of time people just want acknowledgement that the issues have been seen and resolutions are being worked on - simple things like this help. When a lot of us band together and literally repeat the same issue multiple times, Philips steps in to give one line update! This is absurd!!!
Hi, this was more than 3 weeks ago. Please share updates on this.
I’m STILL waiting on a response.
The craziest thing is that my own brother ordered one a month after I did - - AND he received his.
@Philips_Support_T @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N you can all look him up - Riyad Mustapha. How in the world he got his after he ordered later than me is a huge mystery.
To india?
Any updates on shipping to India?
Received a tracking number on 30th June. It is still not active.
“News” has not been updated from 15 days. Can I get a refund please?
Has anyone received any update on the shipping to India? Its been more than 4 mths since I got a tracking number and almost 7 months since I ordered the picopix.
There are absolutely no updates since July. Can someone please provide an update on what is happening?
Hello Guys,
Screenshot 2021-03-09 at 9.23.35 PM|690x380
How much time will the clearance take?
I have provided them with all the requirements they asked for but still waiting.
Thanks in advance
Did anyone face battery bulge issue?
If so did anyone return the PicoPixmax?
How long does it take and how much did it cost?
@imdevu pls help on this